My ear hurts like hell, I very impulsively got my ear pierced last Wednesday but did not expect this much pain afterwards r.i.p.
Lol I just opened Mii Maker without saving my animal crossing. I am a dumb
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Idk why everyone hates the mice villagers so much haha I also have Greta in my other town and I luv her she's just adorable
Lol I just opened Mii Maker without saving my animal crossing. I am a dumb
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Idk why everyone hates the mice villagers so much haha I also have Greta in my other town and I luv her she's just adorable
Mice are bad but they're no Tia.
Mice are bad but they're no Tia.
Omg are you kidding Tia is SO CUTE
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Anyway I'm going to bed let's hope I don't feel like garbage when I wake up. Goodnight folks
Mice are bad but they're no Tia.
Started a new town with my second cartridge, mayor Queen B, triangle grass and PEArs
set everyones catchphrases to "I hate pears"
Personally I like the circle patterned grass the most but that's just me
(Or is there only circle patterned snow? Either way)