☞ !The Miscellaneous! ☜

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Must not lose sight of this beautiful gif.
Will be my avatar...someday.​
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So...What say I do an incredibly unprofessional Let's Play of Larryboy and the Bad Apple for PS2? It'll be filmed on a 3DS. XD
Ohh I like it Ash! It's perfect!

Yes, I can make Brewster's go next to town hall or Re-tail and make a little business street. <3

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BTW What's up with those weird pajama girls in Smash Mouth's All Star like...why
its hot in my house

My hands are cold...I love the cold though. (Alaska is my one life's dream). Oh well. My hands are always cold. :D

This layout has two flaws(Town Hall and Re-tail aren't close, and Town Square is in a weird spot) but it'll be alright. I can live.
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