I am...Pizza Totino's Boy
Oh man I haven't been on Tumblr in a while. I got really sick of it during election season. I'm there for the cute scenic pics not the uninformed opinions of 13 year olds
Yeah, when it's in the more artistic portion of it, it's great. But then you get to certain parts of it...Ugh. My first experience with tumblr was terrible. My very gullible ex told me that this girl was "really depressed". So, you know, she sounded convincing. But then she all of a sudden started going out with some nurse who's 7 years older than her living in her house, the same night they get mugged, then the nurse dies of brain cancer that was "never diagnosed", and then suddenly she was transgender out of nowhere.
She ended up saying she did it all for attention. I knew something was up then.
My ex's blog is literally the uninformed opinions of a young teenager. She's very easily influenced I guess. It's one of the most depressing things I've seen in a long while. Like...Have some fun and stop worrying about politics 24/7. It's not healthy.
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