"I'm forever yours... faithfully" 💙💜
Great, the plastic part where it holds part of the hinge of my laptop popped out...Now I've got an exposed cord which could be damaged and ruin my screen.
What a day...
You should take a rest. I know how stress can make everything else seem stressful. If you have anyone with you at your house (or wherever you are), you should go to them. I find being around someone I love to be a good way to cope with stress and grief. They can keep your mind off of the bad things, or even talk to you about them personally.
For your laptop, you could do the same thing I did with my 3DSXL when a piece popped out, and put a piece of tape over the piece and put it back on there. If you're talking about an internal piece that holds it together, you could still see if duct tape works. It usually does.
I'll be keeping you in my thoughts. <3