The Multi Millionaire's Club

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Same things apply as on TBT, stay active and you may become Staff, but it's slightly different, if you want to become MMC Staff, you have to impress me first of all, the MOST important Staff Member, then you have to impress The JJ, tazaza and Box-monkey, the three Administrators.
JasonBurrows said:
Same things apply as on TBT, stay active and you may become Staff, but it's slightly different, if you want to become MMC Staff, you have to impress me first of all, the MOST important Staff Member, then you have to impress The JJ, tazaza and Box-monkey, the three Administrators.
Ok, I'll try to stay active on the MMC and TBT.
JasonBurrows said:
If you want to advertise MMC, it's optional, but I could use with advertisement.
I've only added the link to my sig atm. My next advertisement attempt will be better, don't worry.
JasonBurrows said:
Thank you #1pokemonmaster, and unlike TBT, you can post in the MMC Announcements done by us 4 Administrators.
Yay, thank you.

I'm logging off for today. Bye!
Could you make the link in your sig link to the 1st page and I must say, if you do become Staff, me and the Admins (ONLY IN MMC) are the Bosses, but we're friends everywhere else...
Ryan, umm, yeah, but I can't just give Staff like that, you need approval from the 3 other Administrators of MMC.
Alright Jason.... >_<

<big>@rroqer111, how did you become Staff, as I've seen your name?

@Palad][n, how did you manage to afford Supreme VIP, I wouldn't be able to get that in years....
I have stopped using my old AC account. If you have 'connor-worthing' added, delete it and replace with my new one (under my avi)
THEN send me a PM with your details aswell.
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