The Multi Millionaire's Club

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Features confirmed for MMC Website:

MMC Radio
Chat box
Weekly Polls
Staff List
Bulletin Board
AC:CF and AC:WW Fish and Bug Guides
Perfect Town Guides
Basic Town Map Creator
Basic Character Creator
Basic Pattern Maker
AC:CF Clock (GMT)

More to come, I believe.
JasonBurrows said:
Features confirmed for MMC Website:

MMC Radio
Chat box
Weekly Polls
Staff List
Bulletin Board
AC:CF and AC:WW Fish and Bug Guides
Perfect Town Guides
Basic Town Map Creator
Basic Character Creator
Basic Pattern Maker
AC:CF Clock (GMT)

More to come, I believe.
Can't wait.
I can't wait either. I'm using the Wii because I can't use the laptop. Anybody up for Wifi? If you want then open gates. I'll be offline now.
One more good thing about MMC Website, it'll have it's own forums, so for people who are sick of the flamers on TBT, I won't put up with the crap on my MMC Website forums, so you'll be alright.
On MMC Website, Mods will get a Mod CP and the Admins will get an Admin CP

But me and Josh are the only ones with the options to delete major things such as accounts and data just in case we accidently hire someone for Admin or Mod who wants to try and delete everything, I'm definitely not saying people will or not but it's for precaution measures.
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