The Multi Millionaire's Club

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Good evening everyone, whats been happening lately? I'm glad to see things back to normal after such an unecessary flame war. :)
Neko Yuki Pyrozanryu said:
Because gnome is sad and has v. little to do with his life,
Ending it would be the best soloution
No I just want to waste time before school. Ladyboy.
Well... He's off to school soon... >:)
I'll wait till Jason gets back on and see if he wants my CC
Goodnight MMC!
Neko Yuki Pyrozanryu said:
Because gnome is sad and has v. little to do with his life,
Ending it would be the best soloution
You're actually disgusting if you think he should commit suicide, it's people like you who live on Council Estates and everyone's taxes give you money and you still act offensive to people, so how about you try to use words like "I think he doesn't have anything else to do, we should ignore him and carry on" rather than say GO COMMIT SUICIDE.
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