The Multi Millionaire's Club

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10 more pages until our 800th page. Did you know we don't get the 8000th post until the end of the 800th page/beggining of 801st.

Remember their is a party in my town today at 5pm GMT if your coming then post. So far its me and Josh going.
All MMC Staff and Members, a new rule, I require clicks on my Mario Kart License in my signature when you're online everyday, I want to get Extreme Edition which is Level 1,000.

@Ehingen Guy, the important head of staff has WW Wi-Fi. *hints*
JasonBurrows said:
All MMC Staff and Members, a new rule, I require clicks on my Mario Kart License in my signature when you're online everyday, I want to get Extreme Edition which is Level 1,000.

@Ehingen Guy, the important head of staff has WW Wi-Fi. *hints*
Umm... Isn't that a little bit too forced?
I was joking as it's actually optional, but I really really want to get Extreme Edition and with TBT's activity, I might achieve that...
Ehingen Guy said:
City Folk, of course. :p Not that many MMCers play WW.
ugg... but I need to get K.K.... hmm... maybe... I'll see if I can play today... if not, then WW?
Nixie said:
Meh... maybe when I feel like it :3

I have no interest what so ever in Mario Kart... XD
You don't have to have interest, just click and click confirm and you've helped. :)
Nixie said:
Ehingen Guy said:
City Folk, of course. :p Not that many MMCers play WW.
ugg... but I need to get K.K.... hmm... maybe... I'll see if I can play today... if not, then WW?
You can also listen to him in my town. I dunno if he would give you the music, though.

WiFi in WW? Just so you can torture me with the golden tools? :p
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