The Multi Millionaire's Club

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No, we will be having events that will have a huge payout. I may offer up some of my TBT bells, and pretty much pay for platinum memberships as prizes. Or giving away 10 million bells at a time. Or prizes that are huge. I dont want to be stuck up about it..... But I enjoy being rich. I enjoy people knowing I'm rich. I dont like rubbing it in, but it is a great feeling. I think this club was a grand idea. And it is based on something more real than any of the other clubs. The others are just based on getting together and doing events. Where the only requirement is having a certain mask or something. But with this, our requirement is our wealth. It gives us a common ground
DirtyD said:
No, we will be having events that will have a huge payout. I may offer up some of my TBT bells, and pretty much pay for platinum memberships as prizes. Or giving away 10 million bells at a time. Or prizes that are huge. I dont want to be stuck up about it..... But I enjoy being rich. I enjoy people knowing I'm rich. I dont like rubbing it in, but it is a great feeling. I think this club was a grand idea. And it is based on something more real than any of the other clubs. The others are just based on getting together and doing events. Where the only requirement is having a certain mask or something. But with this, our requirement is our wealth. It gives us a common ground

That's EXACTLY why I made you Event Management and Vice President DirtyD.
ok, that's fine Jarrad, and it's only optional to donate the amount of Bells to me, the Founder, but it's required to be in the club, so in the end, it's up to people whether they join, but if you're rich, you have fun! ;)
Ok, if you would like to add this to the first post for upcoming events. i'm going to shoot for this Saturday with an exclusive treasure hunt. I will do it all day on Saturday to everyone a chance to play. The following items will be what I will be burying:

1 Metroids
1 Music Box
1 Lovely Phone
1 Golden Axe
1 Golden Rod
1 Golden Net
1 Gold Can
1 Silver Shovel
1 Chocolates
1 Compass
1 Manneken Pis
1 Merlion
1 Mermaid Statue
1 Moai Statue
1 Mouth of Truth
1 Pagoda
1 Tower of Pisa

If you dig up the following bell amounts you will receive a prize based on your membership status.
If you are Silver you get twice the prize, Gold 3 times the prize, platinum 4 times the prize.

100 Bells - 2 million Bells (3 of these will be buried).
200 Bells - 3 million Bells (3 of these will be buried)
1,000 Bells - 1000 TBT Bells (3 of these will be buried)

Everyone will be able to dig up 5 items each. There is no cost of course, the only requirement is that you are a member of the group
If we get a website up and running, then we will move from this topic for events and statuses/ranks and member usernames.
Please note that the times for the Hunt will be from 8am-4pm EST. Just to give everyone a chance to dig something up. If you wish to sign up and are a member of the group please reply to this thread, or simply PM me.
Yeah, PM or reply here to let DirtyD know if you want to come, I cannot come as I am the Founder and I only deal with Member Fees and Status Upgrades, sadly, but i don't mind, sortof... :(
Great I hope this turns out as great of a success as i think it might
Jason, I just thought of something. How do we know the people who join are multimillionaires? All we are doing is taking TBT bells.... Someone with 500 TBT bells could say they have 10 million bells, but not really have it. Is there anyway we can find a way to correct this?
From now on, if you wish to join, all you need is:

500 TBT Bells
Picture of your bank account on AC:CF/AC:LGTTC
Picture of your Character
Picture of your Friend Code on AC:CF/AC:LGTTC
but you already know I'm rich because I bought expensive stuff from you. :gyroidconfused:
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