The Multi Millionaire's Club

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JasonBurrows said:
We will have events like Fishing and more, to join this club, you must have at least 10,000,000 Bells, I myself as Founder have over 360,000,000 Bells which I've worked for with Turnips, it's took me a good few months, we're a very select group, but I do have DirtyD, the Official Multi-Millionaires Event Organizer, so you'll never be without fun, and everything is free and we'll have lots of fun.

<big><big>Current Staff Members at MMC</big></big>


Assistant Founder:
DirtyD (Has sadly left TBT, but always will be remembed for MMC and other great things he did on TBT)

Administration/Site Managers:

Event Managers:
The JJ
cornman64 (Jami)

Video/YouTube Staff:

If I have missed you off, PM me, I don't have a list and I've gave out so many Staff Roles.

Member Fees (TBT Bells only)
Green Members - 500 TBT Bells
Blue Members - 1.000 TBT Bells
Yellow Members - 1.500 TBT Bells
Bronze Members - 2.000 TBT Bells
Silver Members - 2.500 TBT Bells
Gold Members - 3.000 TBT Bells
Platinum Members - 3.500 TBT Bells
VIP Members - 4.000 TBT Bells
Supreme Members - 4.500 TBT Bells
Supreme VIP Members - 10.000 TBT Bells

Official MMC Events: (Please read this, all Event Management, at least one of you need to do one of these below)

10th October - Fishing Tourney (yes the fishing tourney is the same day but that is not included)
17th October - Treasure hunt
24th October - Races
31st October - Halloween party
7th November - K.K Slider party
10th December - Coming of Snow party
24th December - Jingle comes to Town
31st December - New Year's Eve party
Finally you edited it.
You missed me off the staff list, I'm the shirt distributor.
Should I donate bells to you now or later?
And I only have enough for green membership.
So that will be 500 TBT bells right?
I've made it, I'll PM it, but the Skin is ok, we need the zbAIO doing as well, all the ranks, colours and everything, and that suits you tazaza, you are Administration, the second highest MMC Staff rank. (Second to Founder/Owner)
The New Multi-Millionaire's Club is up and running, we're just waiting for the great project that The JJ will be making for us, the new site is located here.

It is required for Administrators to approve your account so that only people that have actually joined can register and people that haven't joined may join, but won't be validated unless their member fee has been sent.
Can all Staff (and Members if they want to) place this in their signatures (If you have room?)

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