The Multi Millionaire's Club

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Good don't worry :p . Just some idea's and suggestions.
Also don't name it "AC", We have different events with different nintendo games.
Awww phew. lol

I'm happy it's good.

Anyway, to rid us 100% of the bad news Josh.

I hereby promise not to think of any more Features, but I do have an idea...

How's about everytime you decide to update the website, call it v2, v3 and so on...

<big>@nooky13, with my rank, the meetings never end. lol</big>
nooky13 has been promoted to Head of Directors, he will be part of a team that will help new members for the first month and make them feel welcome, answer their questions. etc.
hello I hope I will do well in my new Job.

As Jason said I will assist staff
help new members
make mmc better

to make mmc better I would like you do this for me

answer these questions but <big><big>ONLY PM ME THE ANSWERS</big></big>

What could we add to make mmc better?
What could we take out to make it better?
Do we have too many staff?

Please answer asap and pm me the answers
Ok. And Josh, nooky is hiring the MMC Town Renovators, and he wants a path doing. He wants just a normal road doing (no pavements). When I get payments sorted out, can you design it please? You'll get 50% of the price btw.
It'll be for free, I'll try make the road look as realistic as possible. Like adding small stones into it.
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