The Multi Millionaire's Club

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Anyone got any AC Events since that's what we built MMC on, Events and Fun.

I apologize to people for getting caught up with MMC Website, but now I'll let Josh just do what he needs to do on it and I'll concentrate on what my job requirement is. managing MMC, choosing Staff, helping etc.
MMC needs to get sorted out, I will speak to Jason about firing staff because I'm not risking them ruining my site.
Neko Yuki Pyrozanryu said:
Josh. said:
MMC needs to get sorted out, I will speak to Jason about firing staff because I'm not risking them ruining my site.
That sounded really threatening...

-hides in a corner and uses nooky as a human shield-
Don't worry Yuki, I'm sure it's not you.
I don't need to fear =D btw I laughed so hard on your post Yuki, but I don't know why.
JasonBurrows said:
Anyone got any AC Events since that's what we built MMC on, Events and Fun.

I apologize to people for getting caught up with MMC Website, but now I'll let Josh just do what he needs to do on it and I'll concentrate on what my job requirement is. managing MMC, choosing Staff, helping etc.
I'm thinking of making an event on the 15th to celebrate the festivale.
Yuki, unlike what you said, I don't do *****ing. And I don't take regrets that much, once you did it, you did it, no changing that. Doubt that you'll trust me on this, but if you knew me in RL then you would have known.

Also if any of the "superiors" wish to fire me, then fire at will, I can't do anything against you can I?
Nixie said:
Yuki, unlike what you said, I don't do *****ing. And I don't take regrets that much, once you did it, you did it, no changing that. Doubt that you'll trust me on this, but if you knew me in RL then you would have known.

Also if any of the "superiors" wish to fire me, then fire at will, I can't do anything against you can I?
I don't think they would fire you Nixie, I think they're firing inactive staff who aren't on much anymore...
Nixie doesn't even *censored.4.1*..
Also Nixie I'm sure Jason won't fire you, Your a great staff.
Josh. said:
Nixie doesn't even *censored.4.1*..
Also Nixie I'm sure Jason won't fire you, Your a great staff.
I agree with Josh, you just got to start hosting more AC events and you'll be fine.
I can finally host now its the holiday... otherwise, I'll just be lurking...

Also, nooky there is no due date for website completion, just when Josh is finished it and is happy to release it. ;)
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