Josh. said:
Look Yuki I know what your saying, But If I want to quit I can.
Jason can't just say to me I should stay, He's not my mum.
Here is what I think:
Everyone on MMC is taking advantage of me, Thinking I can add this add that. I'm not ******* smart so stop ******* do this **** to me. I know you want this site so badly, You said "We'll let you do all the work and we'll shut up", *censored.9.10* about that because your lieing.
Jason you keep on MSNing me, PMing me ect and I know I brang it up but theres too many features. You changed the name to Animalcrossingworld or **** like that and I have to redo all this **** WTF?
Look, You are all my friends but your taking this too far. I don't care if your not but stop sucking up to Jason so you can be admin, Your failing.
If you want to go on and leave MMC because of me, Your just being a hypocrite.
Go report me because of this and go and kiss my ***.
I'm sorry for taking the piss, as I said in a PM a while ago, if I failed to not mention things, I'll give you 5,000 TBT Bells as I hate to lose TBT Bells, but please please please can I start a clean slate Josh.
I don't want to lose my friendship with you, that's the main importance.
@Mr.L, I'm sorry for being such a Censored.9.8. idiot that thinks too seriously
@nooky13, I'm sorry for being such a Censored.9.8 idiot too.
@All MMC Flamers.
I'm sorry for ever pissing you off to this much.