? The Next Update

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I'm hoping for a trailer release today, if it's not today then I'm gonna guess it'll be tomorrow. the November update video was released around the 17th I believe?
in terms of my expectations, I'm only expecting to see Pavé/Festivale, and given it's one of my favourite holidays I won't be disappointed if that's all aha.
I was just thinking how much I hate deleting every letter one by one. Wouldn’t a QOL update be super sweet that lets us delete all the letters at once?
*looking at you HHA*

I do miss being able to turn off getting letters in City Folk, and heck not getting them all too much in NL. I wish we could have a building run by Lyle that allows us to see our score by talking to him instead of getting letters in the mail (like we could in NL)
I do miss being able to turn off getting letters in City Folk, and heck not getting them all too much in NL. I wish we could have a building run by Lyle that allows us to see our score by talking to him instead of getting letters in the mail (like we could in NL)
Or we could just get an SMS like when you sell stuff to the cranny's box.
Has anyone checked YouTube? The private video should be up by now if the announcement is today.
I want Brewster. I’m hoping he comes as an extra surprise x3. I think it would be perfectly timed so that we can have the special hot chocolate drink on Valentine’s Day

Im excited for the feathers though! I think those are always fun
Lol maybe tomorrow. I mean it has to be tomorrow unless they pushing it so far back
I wonder if they’d announce it Monday next week for example and have the update out the same week? Doesn’t seem likely which is why I was convinced the trailer would drop today, perhaps tomorrow?
something in my gut keeps telling me that the update will drop on the 28th of January, and be revealed on the 26th.
Was thinkin the same but since last update had that exact time difference between the date of the trailer and release of the update, im thinkin its coming tomorrow and then the update itself releasing in 5-7 days. Thats the pattern i guess they used for all the previous releases. April had 2 day diff, june update had 8 days, august again 2 days, halloween had 5 days and then the last update also 2 days. To me it looks like a pattern but we will see tomorrow.
Aw man another disappointing morning. I really thought it would be out today, but now I'm thinking it must be tomorrow or Monday. I really don't think they'd release it later than that.
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I think I've been a bit too optimistic thinking it would come out this week. The Turkey Day/Toy Day update was slated for "late" November and then came out the second to last full week of that month, which was earlier than I thought. I think they did this to give us time to hear the villagers talk about Turkey Day so that there was some kind of verbal lead up. That being said, if this update is purely Festivale and that doesn't occur until mid-February, then they have no rush to get this update out early because there will be plenty of time for a "lead up" to the holiday. I think this time when they say late, they mean late. I think we'll get a reveal on Thursday, Jan 28th with a release on Jan 31st. Maybe we'll get the reveal earlier next week, but I think the update itself will drop on the last day of the month.
I checked and the turkey announcement was 20ish of October & Halloween 25ish of September, both dropped at 3pm CEST. (Europe). So hopefully tomorrow the announcement & the dropping on Monday?
I think we'll get a reveal on Thursday, Jan 28th with a release on Jan 31st. Maybe we'll get the reveal earlier next week, but I think the update itself will drop on the last day of the month.
I kinda doubt that will drop the update on a weekend, as Jan 31st is a Sunday. At least I can't remember that Nintendo ever released something on a weekend (correct me if I'm wrong here). Looking at the previous updates, most of them came out either on a Thursday or Friday. There was only one (if I checked that right) which came out on a Wednesday (Fall update, Sep 30th).

I mean, everything is possible. There are even the rare cases that Nintendo announce something to a (for them) untypical time. I remember there was once an announcement (can't remember for what it was) where lots of people on twitter where surprised that Nintendo dropped it so late on that day (like for Europe, it was night time back then).
I think I've been a bit too optimistic thinking it would come out this week. The Turkey Day/Toy Day update was slated for "late" November and then came out the second to last full week of that month, which was earlier than I thought. I think they did this to give us time to hear the villagers talk about Turkey Day so that there was some kind of verbal lead up. That being said, if this update is purely Festivale and that doesn't occur until mid-February, then they have no rush to get this update out early because there will be plenty of time for a "lead up" to the holiday. I think this time when they say late, they mean late. I think we'll get a reveal on Thursday, Jan 28th with a release on Jan 31st. Maybe we'll get the reveal earlier next week, but I think the update itself will drop on the last day of the month.

Doesn't nintendo not drop updates on weekends? The 31st is a Sunday, so I think the latest the update will come out is Friday the 29th.
Im thinking the update trailer will drop sometime between 25th and 26th with the update itself being on the 29th. That makes sense at least to me if the update is mostly Festivale.
Doesn't nintendo not drop updates on weekends? The 31st is a Sunday, so I think the latest the update will come out is Friday the 29th.

The 29th (In Japan) is my guess too. My guess is that the new content is aimed at February, so they may drop it the last Thursday/Friday of January. Same as they did with the Firework Show update. Then the next update we get will be the end of March, perhaps March 19th at the earliest.
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