Welcome all, this is The Nintendo League or TNL for short. We are a Animal Crossing group and have many other divisions such as Mario Kart and Pokemon. We will have lots of events and meet-ups on Animal Crossing and all of our divisions. We are dedicated to giving you all a great Animal Crossing expierence and getting everone playing Animal Crossing reguarly. With hardwork you can become part of the staff team and help organize stuff like events and talk about the latest news. Of course since we are a Nintendo group we will wear Nintendo character clothes like Mario, Luigi and Link! If you dont have any clothes then don't worry, as long as you have a part ten that is fine. I will give you what ever you need or if I don't have any then you can get them when you find them. We will have a forum and all staff members that have MSN then PM me it and I will give you mine so we an talk about devolopments in TNL
Be respectful
Be polite
Respect everyone in TBT
Be mature
To decide who gets in their will be a form to fill out I will decide wether I think you should get in and discuss with staff. Everyone MUST fill out the form to keep it far. No-one will be given special treatment.
TBT Name:
AC Name:
AC Town:
AC Friend Code:
Why do you want to join?:
Are you mature?:
Will you follow the rules?:
Tyler Founder
* You may put a age range e.g. 12-16
Be respectful
Be polite
Respect everyone in TBT
Be mature
To decide who gets in their will be a form to fill out I will decide wether I think you should get in and discuss with staff. Everyone MUST fill out the form to keep it far. No-one will be given special treatment.
TBT Name:
AC Name:
AC Town:
AC Friend Code:
Why do you want to join?:
Are you mature?:
Will you follow the rules?:
Tyler Founder
* You may put a age range e.g. 12-16