~The Novelty Pokedex Completers~

I failed >:C

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>My first ever sprite. Don't look at it >:C Its horrible :D</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
Name of Novelty: Don't know what name i should give. Your choice.
Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Recolour/Edit
Pokedex entry:

Comments (optional):Hey, its my first ever sprite. : D
Anyways, Should i remove the horns on the crown? If so, tell me. Plus, this looks simple Because it is simple : D
YouLittleElly said:
I failed >:C

<div class='spoiler_toggle'>My first ever sprite. Don't look at it >:C Its horrible :D</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
Name of Novelty: Don't know what name i should give. Your choice.
Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Recolour/Edit
Pokedex entry:

Comments (optional):Hey, its my first ever sprite. : D
Anyways, Should i remove the horns on the crown? If so, tell me. Plus, this looks simple Because it is simple : D
I'm sorry, but we do not accept splices.
Meh. If nook doesn't accept it I can make another.
Novelty Submission Form
Name of Novelty: Artistic Smearlge (spellimng? And can change)
Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Edit, and tail is recolored
Pokedex entry:

Comments (optional): You can choose which on is better.
Several other things;
On the GTS I put a request in at The Userbar Factory. And got this:

And currently working on buttons (crappy ones on MS Paint)
That's all.
Here's one I just made on MS Paint (took like 5 minutes so if you like I can make heaps)
I thought it would turn out worse but i'm pretty pleased with myself.
Of course I can also use a novelty from our group instead of Dusknoir. But i'd prefer not to, since I won't have the mini sprite down the bottom, but it wont matter much I guess.
Name of Novelty: Wiglett
Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Recolor and Edit
Pokedex entry:

Comments (optional): The offspring of a wailord and diglett. A bit disturbing...

Name of Novelty: Skitkip
Recolor and Edit
Pokedex Enrty:

Another instance in cross-species reproduction. A Skitty and a Mudkip mated to create... this!

Username: Bacon Boy
Have I ever sprited: Yes
Do you go on GTS+/GPX+?: Yes
Comments (optional): N/A
Bacon Boy said:
Name of Novelty: Wiglett
Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Recolor and Edit
Pokedex entry:

Comments (optional): The offspring of a wailord and diglett. A bit disturbing...

Name of Novelty: Skitkip
Recolor and Edit
Pokedex Enrty:

Another instance in cross-species reproduction. A Skitty and a Mudkip mated to create... this!

Username: Bacon Boy
Have I ever sprited: Yes
Do you go on GTS+/GPX+?: Yes
Comments (optional): N/A
I'm sorry, no splices. Have you ever seen the novelties on GPX+. I reckon you have. However, if we change the Wigglett's name to....Swimlett, everything will be fine.

Name of Novelty: Maple Leaf Smugleaf
Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Recolour
Pokedex entry: A Smugleaf that seems to appear in the northern regions around summertime. It seems to get along with the Stars and Stripes Smugleaf.
Comments (optional):I'm Canadian =D


Name of Novelty: Stars and Stripes Smugleaf
Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Recolour
Pokedex entry: A Smugleaf that seems to appear in the central regions around summertime. It seems to get along with the Maple Leaf Smugleaf.
Comments (optional):none

Sorry, I couldn't save them as PNGs. I hope that's alright...
[Nook said:
,May 16 2010, 06:52:11 PM]
Bacon Boy said:
Name of Novelty: Wiglett
Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Recolor and Edit
Pokedex entry:

Comments (optional): The offspring of a wailord and diglett. A bit disturbing...

Name of Novelty: Skitkip
Recolor and Edit
Pokedex Enrty:

Another instance in cross-species reproduction. A Skitty and a Mudkip mated to create... this!

Username: Bacon Boy
Have I ever sprited: Yes
Do you go on GTS+/GPX+?: Yes
Comments (optional): N/A
I'm sorry, no splices. Have you ever seen the novelties on GPX+. I reckon you have. However, if we change the Wigglett's name to....Swimlett, everything will be fine.
Swimlett works, and yes I have.

Considering that diglett is just a differently colored diglett, then yea.
[Nook said:
,May 16 2010, 07:10:44 PM]I'm sorry, but those are low-quality sprites.
I just made an account on Photobucket, hopefully it will be better quality >_>

EDIT: ...I just noticed what you meant by killing quotes.
Notice any difference? I used PB >_>

Name of Novelty: Diglettboy
Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Edit/Fakemon
Pokedex entry: When a Diglett is forced out of the ground, it is said that it will evolve into a Diglettboy as a last resort. Its punches can send large vehicles flying.
Comments (optional): Inspired by Shellderboy


Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Edit/Fakemon
Pokedex entry: When a Diglettboy can't contain its power, it is said to evolve into this devestating Pokemon. If a Dugtriomen body-slams the ground as hard as it can, it may create a fissure up to 30 ft. deep.
Comments (optional): Inspired by Cloysterman. It's called Dugtriomen because there's three, geddit?

These aren't supposed to be splices, they're like Shellderboy and Cloysterman.