~The Novelty Pokedex Completers~

[Nook said:
,Jun 3 2010, 09:45:06 AM]
- Team Rocket Koffing
- Team Rocket Weezing
4) What makes it different if Team Rocket owns it?
5) ^
It would be Grey/black with an Team Rocket's 'R' instead of the skull. And possibly could have a TR Slouch hat,
Jake. said:
[Nook said:
,Jun 3 2010, 09:45:06 AM]
- Team Rocket Koffing
- Team Rocket Weezing
4) What makes it different if Team Rocket owns it?
5) ^
It would be Grey/black with an Team Rocket's 'R' instead of the skull. And possibly could have a TR Slouch hat,
Team Rocket Koffing

A rare Koffing that is bred by Team Rocket. It has an "R" on its belly and spews deadly toxic gas.

Like that?
[Nook said:
,Jun 4 2010, 08:28:16 PM]
Jake. said:
[Nook said:
,Jun 3 2010, 09:45:06 AM]
- Team Rocket Koffing
- Team Rocket Weezing
4) What makes it different if Team Rocket owns it?
5) ^
It would be Grey/black with an Team Rocket's 'R' instead of the skull. And possibly could have a TR Slouch hat,
Team Rocket Koffing

A rare Koffing that is bred by Team Rocket. It has an "R" on its belly and spews deadly toxic gas.

Like that?
Yah. That's it.
Novelty Submission Form
Name of Novelty: Ummm, I dont know a name for this.
Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Recolour/edit
Pokedex entry:

Comments (optional):
goronking said:
Novelty Submission Form
Name of Novelty: Ummm, I dont know a name for this.
Recolour/Edit/Fakemon/etc.: Recolour/edit
Pokedex entry:

Comments (optional):
Hey, you know the little mini sprites in my buttons, Since I am over making buttons ('cause they suck now) Can I just make those mini sprites?
Jake. said:
Hey, you know the little mini sprites in my buttons, Since I am over making buttons ('cause they suck now) Can I just make those mini sprites?
Sure, but we're not making a Mini Dex. You're going to put them in buttons, am I correct?
Yah. But I wanna post them here before I make the buttons
Okay then.

Added Team Rocket Weezing.


A Weezing that is owned by Team Rocket. It is more toxic than a normal Weezing due to Team Rocket using genetic altering.
See. My novelties turn out so great when other people make them lol
Since I am co-owner, I am making a rule >x)

When I suggest a novelty (or anyone else for that matter) Like this: http://forums.the-bell-tree.com/single/?p=8922808&t=7358183
When a novelty get's made, the user who thought up of the idea gets half of it (So when 2 are made the amount of novelties they have created goes up by 1) But the person who creates it still gets their novelty count up by one. So with my Team Rocket Koffing + Weezing, Nook's count goes up by two, but mine will go up by one.
I made that rule so Full stop[.]

So with my new rule I have 13 novelties (with 2 being TR Koffing+Weezing and Crystal Geodude+egg)
Well that sounds selfish and lazy. It's like working on a project, and you making the other person do all of the work. Then, your only part in it was coming up with an idea. Yet, you still getting full credit for it.

If this rule applies, that means I get maybe 1 or 2 more along with the egg count.
Well that it could apply for 1/4.
'Cause since you rightfully created the idea you should at least get some amount of credit otherwise the novelty wouldn't exist.
Jake. said:
Well that it could apply for 1/4.
'Cause since you rightfully created the idea you should at least get some amount of credit otherwise the novelty wouldn't exist.
Both you and BB is right. I can at least put the name of the person who suggested it.