The Offical Nikolympics!

Toon][quote="john102 said:
but items are, of course it's our only way of winning the brawl competition because trela is better then coffe

I'm an item MASTA!

Trela is our skillz...I'm our skillz/Itemer![/quote]I think most items would be fine except if it's 1 on 1 then stuff like the hammers wouldn't be all that great.

I'm all up for smash balls, but anything else may be considered cheap to some. Personally I don't have a problem, and I hope at least SOME items are allowed as constantly brawling with items turned off is starting to kill the fun of the game.
bananaoracle said:
Toon][quote="Trela said:
I can post about Items....later.
It's been 1 minute.
I say we use Smash Balls.

(that's my hip gangsters way of saying "seconded")[/quote]M'kay.......

Don't do that anymore, m'kay?
Trela said he hates Smash Balls.

Toon][quote="bananaoracle said:
Toon][quote="Trela said:
I can post about Items....later.
It's been 1 minute.
I say we use Smash Balls.

(that's my hip gangsters way of saying "seconded")[/quote]M'kay.......

Don't do that anymore, m'kay?
Trela said he hates Smash Balls.

(NO!!)[/quote]well trela can suck mah bawls
bananaoracle said:
Toon][quote="bananaoracle said:
Toon][quote="Trela said:
I can post about Items....later.
It's been 1 minute.
I say we use Smash Balls.

(that's my hip gangsters way of saying "seconded")

Don't do that anymore, m'kay?
Trela said he hates Smash Balls.

(NO!!)[/quote]well trela can suck mah bawls[/quote]He'll bite them off NAO SHUSH!
Let's go to our teams!
I think if we have items on, Team Attack should also be on.

It makes the more powerful items more balanced, since they can hit your teammate.

It also makes some interesting combos, and funny KOs.
Well it is based on luck. Also thanks for helping out Trela. I think we should have administrators for the certain games we are competing in.
I might be an admin for the MKWII tourney

but i dosent need that much organising...

can i be the MKWII admin Thaier?
Well I was really going to do that since, I have a very trustworthy connection and I can take pictures for the races. So I will handle that. Is there anything else you can attempt to administrate?
i could....

um we'll see

if you cant find anyone one else to be an admin then i'll do it
I can take pics definitely. Even video if it is working properly, usually is.
yea dirtyd should be the GHWT admin

hes very experienced at it and he can take photos and vids :D
I probably couldn't be an admin for anything :p Anyway, have any thoughts on when this'll start?