The Official Alcohol Thread Pt. 2

What's your drink of choice?

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I've only consumed alcohol four times, all four of them being social drinking with my best friend. I never really intended to drink alcohol at all because I never want to use it as a crutch, but I've done well with keeping it restricted to special occasions.

I have a sweet tooth, so my preference is for fruity or sweet drinks. The first thing I ever drank was butterscotch schnaps and it was pretty good.

I kind of want to explore some of the other varieties of alcohol out there, but it'll be a long journey since I want to maintain my restrictions on alcohol consumption. That said, every October, I always feel like I want to pick up some pumpkin flavored alcohol since it'd be seasonally appropriate. Maybe this year? Someday.
I normally don't consume liquor because I don't like how it makes me feel but I do like some of it and willing to try any of it.
Rum, tequila whiskey, fruity things...
I like brandy in my onion soup.
I hate beer.
I used to drink beer and hard liquor mostly. It's been about a year now since I've quit alcohol consumption. My dad had an accident that left him pretty much disabled due to his drinking. It was an easy decision quitting for the good of both of us. Plus with the whole any amount of alcohol can do permanent damage to your body thing, it solidified my decision in stopping.

I now drink non-alcoholic beer though.
No, I don’t drink anymore.

When I used to drink it was only tequilla or Stella Rosa wine. Everything else tasted “meh” at best.
Out of the ones that i have tasted gin & tonic is the only drink i can actually like for its taste - 2nd place would be vodka but only if i drown it with piles of ice and orange juice
I don't drink often, like 5 times a year, on holidays and birthday but it's not because I don't like it, it' s just too expensive and bad for my health.
I like craft beer, especially dark or bitter ones, wines that are a bit mineral or that aged in oak barrels, I like Canadian ice cider, so good with cheese and desserts, in liquors I like vodka, whiskey, dark rhum but I rarely drink those. I would like to try tequila, never had some, it was not popular in my area before.
Lately I tried soju and makgeolli and I love it, especially makgeolli, some people associate it with rainy days but for me, it goes well sunny summer days.
In winter or cold days of autumn, I like port wine, tawny port wine.
For mixes, I rarely have those, but I prefer the ones with vodka or rhum, not gin. I like shooters of cranberry vodka on Christmas eve. Never had midnight margaritas, but I should try one day.
i've tried wine and beer before. i don't really like the weird fizzy taste on my tongue and the feeling as i swallow the respective beverages. so i don't really have it
My medication doesn’t mix with alcohol and if I drank any I would get sick. It kinda stings since I had to start taking it right before I turned 21, drinking age is the U.S.

I do drink mocktails and nonalcoholic beer sometimes though.
My medication doesn’t mix with alcohol and if I drank any I would get sick. It kinda stings since I had to start taking it right before I turned 21, drinking age is the U.S.
Literally the same, I started taking my medication right before I turned 18. Oh well