The Official Looking For Thread - Amiibo Card Post Office

Looking for Cookie!

Cards I have for trade:
Series 1-4
Digby 009 SP
K.K. 101 SP
DJ K.K. 003 SP
Phineas 304 SP
Pelly 204 SP
Redd 012 SP
Luna 014 SP
Wendell 209 SP
Joan 007 SP
Resetti 309 SP

Bluebear 032, Eunice 081, Daisy 258,Walker 100,Biskit 279,Octavian 045
Antonio 295, Jeremiah 076, Henry 092,Melba 341
Mira 355, Lobo 382, Punchy 050, Lolly 333
Felicity 119, Muffy 091
and many others
Looking for Dobie.

Listing by card number only as I have over 30 cards. The cards I have are:

203, 207, 210, 214*, 215, 220, 224*, 225, 227, 232, 235, 238, 240, 241, 245, 253, 256, 258, 259, 263, 267, 268, 274, 275, 280, 281, 285, 289, 290, 291, 297, 300

* means I have a duplicate of the card. Feel free to list however many you want in exchange for Dobie. Willing to do multiple cards for him. PM me if you're interested.
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Hi, I'm mostly looking for 264 Marshal and 272 Skye!

Here's what I have:

060 Samson
078 Roscoe
255 Wolfgang
278 Dora
333 Lolly
364 Zucker
378 Barold
382 Lobo
390 O'Hare

There are more cards I want listed here

Please DM me if you wanna trade, thanks!
Looking for hamlet and aurora

- - - Post Merge - - -

I have skye and others I could trade!
Looking for Dobie.

Listing by card number only as I have over 30 cards. The cards I have are:

203, 207, 210, 214*, 215, 220, 224*, 225, 227, 232, 235, 238, 240, 241, 245, 253, 256, 258, 259, 263, 267, 268, 274, 275, 280, 281, 285, 289, 290, 291, 297, 300

* means I have a duplicate of the card. Feel free to list however many you want in exchange for Dobie. Willing to do multiple cards for him. PM me if you're interested.

Still need this card. Really want this card before my island fills up...
Looking for O'Hare!

Nevermind, I found him at a decent price on eBay! Thank you~


Hello! I am looking to trade or purchase O'Hare (S4 - 390)

I am located in the US and am looking to trade with someone else in the US. The cards I have are in excellent condition and I only have doubles of Limberg.

These are the cards I have:

- Limberg (2x)
- Eunice
- Annalisa
- Gwen
- Groucho
- Keaton
- Paula
- Ricky

I would prefer to keep the following cards, but I am willing to trade them for O'Hare:

- Nan
- Hamphrey
- Bianca

I plan on gifting the rest of my cards to someone on Tumblr who is actively collecting them, so please message me ASAP if I have a villager you're interested in. Thank you!
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Hi everyone! I’m looking for these cards and will most definitely trade 2-5 cards for these as they are in high demand :) Thank you!
Looking for:
234 Marina
385 Lucky

For Trade:
Rosie (Amiibo Festival Promo)
Goldie (Amiibo Festival Promo)
Big Top
Poppy x2
Amelia x2
Egbert x2
Looking for Dobie.

Listing by card number only as I have over 30 cards. The cards I have are:

203, 207, 210, 214*, 215, 220, 224*, 225, 227, 232, 235, 238, 240, 241, 245, 253, 256, 258, 259, 263, 267, 268, 274, 275, 280, 281, 285, 289, 290, 291, 297, 300

* means I have a duplicate of the card. Feel free to list however many you want in exchange for Dobie. Willing to do multiple cards for him. PM me if you're interested.

Still looking and hoping to get a trade...
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I need two more cards to finish off my set of all 400 Series 1-4 cards: 178 Hugh and 282 Violet. I have over 200 extra duplicate cards, so just let me know what you need!
Looking for Zucker! I have Pekoe, Mitzi, EU Ruby, Bon bon, sprinkle, EU Molly, EU roald for trade along with some commons! US trades
Looking for Lolly! I also really want Merengue, Molly, Marina and Julian. I have Fauna, Chief, Ankha, Cookie, Cheri, Muffy, Pecan and Yuka up for trade, as well as some other unpopulars and NPC cards. Feel free to ask. US trades!
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