I'm looking for
Walker &
Colton -
I can offer
- 5 mil for each
- Stuff from the catalog (clothes, shoes, K.K. songs, etc. Ask for something specific and I'll check)
- all orderable sets (choose which ones you want, like Modern, Sci-Fi, Mad Scientist, etc.)
- most orderable DLC (probably missing just a few)
- random stuff from my locker (extra villager pics, extra Mush items, Streetpass ice-cream, etc.)
- Keaton, smug eagle (he's moving, I can TT to his moving day. If nobody wants him then I'll just send him to the void/give him away for free)
I also have Hamphrey, who I need to move out of my town. If interested, let me know.
Please let me know if you are willing to part with these villagers, and/or TT to their moving day. Thanks!