The Official "Looking/Searching For" Request Thread

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I'm looking for Muffy, Marshal (haha), Molly, and Cookie! I can offer furniture sets and money if I don't have any villagers that you would like. Let me know if you would like to make a trade! :blush:
Looking for Wolfgang. I have Alice, Blanche, Cheri, Peck, and Renee for trade or reservation.
I'm looking for dream villagers. Just look at my signature to see who I have and who I would like. I'm willing to pay for dreamies!
O'HARE is in boxes. My cycling thread is Cycling Serenity if anyone is looking for him. He's too sweet to go into the void. :(
Looking for Francine... very desperately. please pm me if you have her! I'm willing to pay ALOT of bells for her.
Looking for all the dreamies in my signature that I don't have. Lolly is my priority right now, but I will take any.
Looking for Blaire, Bree, Mint or just a cute snooty villager :) I have 17million bells but i don't want to spend to much either, I can also offer Daisy the normal dog but she's not in boxes yet :)

EDIT: Also looking for Purrl now ^_^
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