The Official "Looking/Searching For" Request Thread

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looking for chief, he's my boyfriend's dream villager and i'd love to find him ;_; will pay 10mil, plus certain dlc/regional items (feel free to ask) and three villager pics (cally, hans and zucker). pm me!
Looking for Apollo or Chief. Roald is in boxes. I'm new to this whole dreamie thing and I'd love Apollo to be my first dreamie I get. Willing to work out any kind of deal.
Looking for Fang, Boomer, Kid Kat and Moe. Preferably for free, but we might be able to make a deal, as I can offer at least a,mil.
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I'm looking for any alligators and Skye! Preferably free, but I can offer some bells if neede (up to 10m) and I've got some unorderable items/sets to throw in!
Looking for Bob, Marshal, Rasher, Goldie, Beau and/or Pecan. See my villager list for more information.

To anyone who wants to make a couple million bells! I've got other reward possibilities too in case you want 'em. Message me!
LF Hamlet

Starting to get desparate for Hamlet ;-;
Him & Marshal are my last dreamies but I'm hopeless for getting Marshal so hopefully I can atleast get Hamlet <3
I will pay about 15 million bells for him??? Doubt I would pay much more.

Thanks for reading hehe
Adding 15mil to Emilyy's offers for Marshal or Hamlet.

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looking urgently for francine!! i'm also interested in kabuki, zucker, and gladys but francine is my #1 priority!! i have becky, tammy and henry to trade if anyone actually wants them, but i can also offer bells. name a price if you're looking to sell!!
I'll keep an eye out for Hamlet on ACC cycling threads! If I get him in my town, I'll be sure to pass him on. Good luck!
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