The Official "Looking/Searching For" Request Thread

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ok pm me when he's available;; are you sure you don't need anything ;o;
I had to make room so I let someone buy here u_u

- - - Post Merge - - -

looking for:Alfonso,Del,Bill,Molly,Fauna or flora


as the tittle says im looking for Alfonse, Del, Bill, Molly, Fauna or Flora

Paula is leaving soon so you can get her for one of these and otherwise say something you want!!!
Still looking for Roscoe for my boyfriend <3 Offering Bells~ (please specify how much you'd want)
Cole's moving out of my town on the 16th! But I have no idea how the whole trading thing works, so you might have to help me out a little. ;)
Zell is my smug dreamie... I don't care for many of the smugs but want to keep one in my town. Klaus wants to leave and it's going to be hard to part with him since I'd rather keep him if I can't get Zell. Please PM me and I should be available to take him soon! I can trade Klaus for him even. I'm on 11/9 in the game, so although I don't TT ahead, I often TT to try to catch up. Klaus is in boxes on the 12th... I can try to catch up to the exact date or the 13th (or to the 12th or 13th if someone offers after the 12th) to take Zell. PM me, since I don't know if I see all the replies here!
I'm looking for Tangy, Marshal (although I'll try to reset for him tomorrow, a smug house-plot is coming), Punchy...
Last two dreamies - Chief and Hamlet. Hoping to get them for free but I can splash a liiiitle bit of cash :)
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