The Official "Looking/Searching For" Request Thread

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By the way there's an auction for Chrissy if you want to get her, The highest bid for her at the moment is 1m
Looking for CHIEF! Getting desperate!

I've been looking for Chief for soooo long and every deal I make falls through! Firstly someone said they would hold him for me then disappeared, then someone else accidentally TT'd too far and lost him before I could pick him up... :(
(neither experience happened on The Bell Tree btw :))

Aaaaand basically I'm pretty desperate for Chief now. He's my ultimate dreamie that I first encountered when I played WW, I'd love to have him in my town again. I have bells to offer in trade. If anyone could help me out, that would be awesome!

(I'm on GMT timezone BTW)
It's been a whole day so I assume its safe to post again. I still need bby Ankha. I'm willing to trade bob, he was one of my originals and seeing how popular he is [I didnt know lol] I would easily trade ;u;
Its my Bday! And im searching Everywhere for WOLFGANG or CHIEF or PUNCHY

Could anybody help me? It would make me so happy!!! :D
Looking for felicity, I had her as my original villagers but I'm pretty sure I'm long past the cycling so it'd be nice to have her again, she moved out when I was time travelling on accident. Pm me if you do have her!
Broffina has moved but im still looking for Chrissy
I can pay in bells, rares or hybrids :)
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