Back in the early days of Labryth. This was the first coelacanth I ever caught. Needless to say- I was hyped.

I'm a little disturbed.

This face has some of the most hilarious expressions. One you get over its derpiness or cover it with a beak, it's well worth it.

Like the coelacanth, this was my first scorpion- but what makes this one for me is the fact that Earth was blinking during this. It's as if she's bored, or strangely impressed.

Victoria's quotes are so very magical.

Come on. I can tell- they're totally scheming over there.

I think I broke it. Or nature broke it. Either way, it's a red dragonfly, and I found it with its tail facing diagonally rather than horizontally. Needless to say, I was confused.

And this is why you don't set up your campsite after a night out with friends.

Holiday parties on the island which I crashed unintentionally. I didn't know I was supposed to show up in costume.

More contextual stuff. Erik decides to scare Krystal on her first day in Labryth.

Fireworks show in Prophecyseeker's town of Ylisse along Seeks herself and Oliveblossom- both members of the Warrior Cats Forums. One of the funnest moments I've ever experienced in my AC life.