The first town config I selected as Mayscore. I think, on further consideration, I didn't care for the layout and the villagers were nothing to write home about.

Second map I selected as Mayscore. Too man rocks, didn't like the layout.

Pears. Just... pears. It was a worthy sacrifice .It hurt to let this one go, seeing as it had Agent S as a starter villager- but
pears, guys! Pears!

Third time may not have been the charm, but fourth time most certainly was! Sure, I have Monique's ugly face to deal with again, but not only did I get that sweet green train station, but I also got peaches and one of those little patches of land that are broken off by the river-
and a manageable number of rocks!
EDIT: And, on further investigation, I have a south-facing waterfall. I have everything I ever wanted in my AC life, I'd say.

And, thus, the town of Mayscore was born. I have high hopes for it.