Time for a screencap dump!
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Pretty rainbow from one of my favorite spots in town.
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ily Marshal
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new favorite dreamtown confirmed
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Hacked dream towns are actually strangely fun to explore. This one was called "the void" and it had like, 4 copies of Coco in it and 2 or 3 Lucky's.
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The multiple Coco's made me conversing with them a bit... odd...
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My collection of speaking to villagers before being viciously attacked by bees.
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I talked to the marshmallow too much.
I had more but it won't lemme upload more. Rip
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Derwin:"He's done it again,eh?I say we take his wallet,put his hand in a bowl of warm water and have Mallary give him a makeover!"
Mayor Daffy:"Nah....let's strip him naked,paint him purple and dump him in Isabelle's office!"
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Hmmm...must be from the same litter.
Also, you know how my photos are always links? How can I just have the photo instead of a link? I use the Miiverse method with finding the source code and stuff, and I right click the image and select "copy image URL," then go to post it by right clicking and selecting "paste." What do I need to change?
I thought it said put his head in a bowl of warm water...
And somewhat related to the litter thing, I've always thought Cookie and Goldie were siblings! They look similar being dogs with big eyes and spots, but their interests are completely different!
Try adding [ img ]URL[ /img ] and remove the spaces. So this [ img ]https://d3esbfg30x759i.cloudfront.net/ss/MlWA770JiCAPrLeHd5[ /img ] will show up as this: