attention gamers,
This is from a short while ago but I wanted to share. I finished collecting all of the wetsuits and have some spares to give to friends!
They're currently just sitting in the museum with all of my balloons.
Also Ankha told me my outfit was stale so I formulated a new one! It is below but with blue wrestling shoes instead of red~
This is the one I feel like I've had less than a month but is apparently old already:
Such high quality... *faints*
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A very long time ago,when I first learned how to reset to get a specific villager,the very first plot that came up in my original NL town,Catlips,was that of Goose the goofy jock chicken.I looked him up and saw that he was a chicken and I decided that I wasn't having any poultry in my town.Things change and Goose has finally arrived in Catlips.Now he and Joey can have an eyebrow war.
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It didn't take long for Benjamin to put the moves on the new doggy girl.
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Benjamin should be in the war too.