YOU GOT KIKI I'M SO JEALOUS SHE'S MY FAVORITEOkay, so I changed the date on my 3DS to October 5th because it's my favorite date that I use to start all my games. Don't hate. I'm changing it back to the actual date soon, I just wanted that date to be on my TPC. I took pretty many snapshots, and did a LOT of cool stuff today for the first time EVER!! Well, here's my town: Smokie!!!!!
This is Day 1 in Kakariko Village:
This has to be the only disappointing thing I've noticed so far. Every face choice starts off with specific clothing and the same hair style. It'd be nice if they randomized it.
This has to be the only disappointing thing I've noticed so far. Every face choice starts off with specific clothing and the same hair style. It'd be nice if they randomized it.
Yes I did catch it on my first day
View attachment 4430
Looks like Nintendo ignored my request for a slingshovel.
View attachment 4431
...and I must have spent at least 2 or so hours just enjoying this game. C: