Not much has been happening in Merimont since I had just started it but just a few pictures I want to share.
Both Brooke and Lake paid off their first home loans. I try to keep Lake's house an expansion or two behind Brooke's house.
Beau visited me the other day and was impressed by my sense of style. I guess dirt clod wall and old wood flooring is a style. He sent me an Alpine Panel which I gave to Melba who asked me for it.
Quillson moved in today as the 7th resident of Merimont. I like him already
And I set up donation for my campsite. I hurried up and set this up before a villager moved here and got in the way. Looks empty and boring now but it's going to look really good once I start landscaping and adding trees and paths and whatnot
And last but not least, I made a flag for my town. No meaning in this flag just a flag of random shapes and colors.
I didn't think too much of it when I designed it and I ended up loving it.
But other than those few things, I've been focusing on just filling my encyclopedia, talking to Sable every day with both Brooke and Lake, building my relationship with my villagers and basically just goofing around on the game.