Rosie's Inn dining room in Elenrast
I love your use of the Brewster gyroidsI need to visit your DA again, it's been a few months.
Fashion WIN
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And a dream visit to Elenrast. Got to experience the dining room for myself!
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Whoa, you won with pilot's goggles on? Who would have thought it?
And what was that waiter thinking not to have lit your candle? Have to have a talk with Rosie. (Many thanks for visiting. c: )
Those are the steampunk glasses. Paired with bathrobe and headband, completing the look with jester's shoes and argyle socks! Gracie was so overjoyed with my choices she gave me furniture, lol. (This is a rescue town that I found used today, so doing a bit of maintenance to get it up and running as a second Nookingtons town)
Also, it was a pleasure to visit your town! I couldn't resist the Brewster gyroids and wanted to see for myself, lol.