Pokémon The Official Pokemon Competitive Thread


Jul 17, 2013
Green Balloon
Green Feather
Green Heart Balloon
Green Feather
Green Balloon
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
May Birthstone (Emerald)
So, I’ve only ever played Pokemon competitively on Showdown before, but no one really talks about it here on TBT much, so what team do you use competitively? I’m going to at least try the one out I have in my signature, as I think it can made to be good with enough unexpected traps I could put opponents’ Pokemon into.

But yeah, at the same time I am kind of sad how the competitive game for Pokemon has devolved over the years. By this, I mean all the fun has been sucked out of it. If you go into some random Showdown match today some random Joe will probably send out an Ultra Beast or Tapu, both of which IMO should be UBER and BANNED. I really don’t buy the excuse for Ultra Beasts that because most of them have double weaknesses, slapping a Moxie knockoff ability on them and calling it OU or less is okay. They should all be Uber, Tapus included (The Tapus are not as annoying, but they can be).

Then you obviously have people using the same Pokemon like Landorus Therian Forme, Porygon2 with Eviolite, and other ridiculously good Pokemon as well that, while they are safe for OU, it is questionable how Showdown, Gamefreak, and The Pokemon Franchise handles these sorts of things (pretty sure in-game competitions do not even allow mega-evolving, but I may be wrong on that now).

I’m pretty sure there’s also another competition going on, this time international and no-bars, so it’s a good time to bring up this discussion. Did you register for it? How well do you expect to do?

Feel free to share your in-game teams, Showdown teams, and any tips and advice you have for others as well (especially my team and myself if you want. I don’t know how I want to set it up on Showdown, but I’ll figure that out when I make it. Both Mega Lucario and Mega Garchomp are Uber I’m pretty sure, so idk. Trying to make a good OU team).

EDIT: Above all, please keep it civil. I know how “toxic” people can be online and with Pokemon, so just be friendly and make sure to CONSTRUCTIVELY criticize peoples’ teams and strategies.

Actually quite funny that people use Toxic both as NPCs and actual people to indicate you’re toxic online now in Pokemon. XD
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