The Official Unexplained Thread


The Magical Mermaid
Apr 16, 2014
Blue Candy
Orange (Fruit)
When I was a young pre teen I used to live in a big house that was just touching the edge of a small forest acre. The mossy forest was filled with lively ferns, moss, and mushrooms, and shiny rocks. It was such a beautiful eco friendly nature spot. Anyway getting back on track, Oneday I was standing in front of the forest opening and than I heard this growling noise coming from the forest. It sounded like it was emitting directly at me standing at the boarder of the driveway and the forest ground. I got so scared that I ran away thinking it was a demon. years later I heard the same noises coming from a bush that overgrew a really tall tree stump that was taller than me! The bushy tree stump was at a park beside a high school.
Oh ok so when I was 9 years old, my mom sent me to the private library in our house, to sort through books, and reshelve them and whatnot, and anyways, I was just calmly sorting through the books on the floor when I heard this noise coming from the staircase in the library, (like who even has those anymore??) and the noise was super loud, like someone was stomping really heavily downstairs, so I stop shelving and I walk closer until I hear some little grinding sound, like its really faint so only I could've heard it. I started getting creeped out because it was only my mom and two sisters at home with me and they were all in the kitchen baking, so none of them could've been walking down the stairs. I back up until I reach the books I was sorting, occasionally looking at the staircase, and that's when I saw this hand, like a extremely realistic human hand, just urch out of the staircase. It flexed and held its position for like 10 minutes. I didn't scream, or do anything, I just sat on the library floor and stared at it, like death stared at it. Then it wriggled its fingers a little and pulled back really slowly. After that, I dropped all the books in my lap and ran to my mother in the kitchen to tell her what happened, figures, she didn't believe me. I don't think theres an explanation for that...
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I think I posted this story here before, but it's unexplained and it still scares me so:

My mom had a half sister that got married to an American dude and relocated there when she was 19. My mom was never able to contact her so they just lost in touch. Years later when I was a senior in high school, my mom got a call that they found her sister and that she had killed herself in a bar not too far from where my mom worked. We got a plastic bag with some of her belongings and it included her cellphone that was drained of batteries for some days already. That night I was up really late and I heard an unfamiliar ring tone coming from my mom's room. The next day my mom's face was pale like she'd seen a ghost. I asked her what was wrong and she swore the cellphone in the bag started ringing on its own. She didn't pick up because she was too scared, but she checked the phone a few minutes later to see if it was on and it was still dead. We still don't know how it happened or who would have been on the other line.
Oh my god that is freaky!

- - - Post Merge - - -

So I'm adding onto the last post I put in this thread, but about that creepy hand thing I saw in the library, well this thing has a body. Like its really weird because a few months ago I was really tired and I fell asleep on the couch, but due to the insomnia that comes with anxiety, I woke up around 2 in the morning. A few hours, I was still awake and I turned my head. Well, someone left the kitchen door open, which was really odd because it is always, and I mean always closed at my house. Well I had sat up and cleared my eyes and I saw this lady, kind of wearing the clothes that Choir from spirited away wears, but she had a tall lanky body, and whitish-blondish hair and an incredibly charming smile. But the one thing I really noticed was her hands, like they looked exactly like the hand I saw in the library. After I saw that, I went to the bathroom and took some Melatonin and forced myself to sleep. I'm still cautious...
When I was very young and little I once saw a relative open the double-pane sliding doors and go outside but she disappeared before my eyes. I thought for sure I saw her go outside but was baffled when I saw her come into the same room that I was in 5 minutes later. Another incident was when I was piggybacking on an adults back and when we opened the lid of a pool up in a tree and there was 2 young boys who were swimming in the pool and than we closed the lid on the pool. It was very real to me as if it was another universe where the law of psychics was different.
One night, I was up late, writing in my journal. I put my journal down on the floor by my bed, turned out the light, and laid down. Then a few minutes later, I started to hear what sounded like a cat scratching on my bedroom door. The only thing is: There are no cats in my house. The noise went on for about 15 minutes before it finally stopped.

A few months later, I was laying down in bed when I saw the outline of a hand and felt my arm being rubbed when there was no one in the room with me.
Dude that's scary as heck! if be scared for days if that happen to me. Totally tramatized
Little back story. I'm half Chinese, on my mother's side that reside in Malaysia. My mother's family follow a form of Taoism, but in a westerner laymen's terms, they follow a form of spiritualism. And my uncle was (not sure if he still is) a Taoist priest for the local area. Before him, my great grandmother had that duty.

The below is something I've been told to me by my parents, an aunty and my eldest cousin. When I've asked my other aunties about it, they dismiss the event as being too long for them to remember, or they look pale and said it happened. No one has actually told me that it didn't happen... but onto the story.

When I was very young, young enough that I can't personally recall the event, my family went to Malaysia for my great grandmother's funeral. In the evening/afternoon after the funeral, my extended family went back to the "family home", being where my great grandmother lived. All of my aunties and my uncle were talking amongst themselves, while all of the children played together while I kept to myself, and quiet as usual. Out of the blue, I stood up, pointed to the front door that was open (and is always left open), and said the "a-ma", the term that everyone called my great grandmother, be it cousin or aunty.

Thing is, there was no one there. And I had never met the woman before. Until that day, I wouldn't have heard the term "a-ma".

Needless to say, the whole room froze.
When my brother used to live with us (this was when we were little), we would go into my room and knock on the wall. For the background on this, in my bedroom there is a panel which has a bookcase on the other side of it. We would knock on the wall and we would get a reply from the other side of the wall.
Oh my god, no ****ing way. So in 6th grade, I still had these imaginary friends, I had two. They were this sweet elderly couple named, Phillip and Phyliss, which followed me around and whispered little tidbits of advice in my ear and whatnot. and I would talk to them and somehow play UNO with them. Well one night, my sister caught me talking to Phillip about a recent vacation and she went and told my parents. They sat me down and we talked about imaginary friends and how I should be grown out of them and blah blah and that night I chose to forget about them, completely. Well about a week later at school, I was walking in he hallway behind my friends, we were laughing and having a good time when my body just felt numb for a moment, and the hall got instantly colder, like goosebump raising and I felt a hand latch onto my arm and squeeze it so tight I could feel it burning. Now when this happened, my friend whom was walking beside me told me that I took a sudden gasp for breath and that my eyes bulged a little. All I know is that when this happened, I was watching behind me the entire time, and there was no one there at all. And this happened every day that week but afterthat week it stopped too. My guess is that Phillip and Phyllis were angry, that I had forgetten them. But who knows...
@tomnookismyboyfriend - I don't suppose if you asked if you had relatives called Phillip and Phyliss, or if you knew they happen to be prior residents of the house?
I remember when I was little, not sure what age I was, but I use to hear noises in the roof like something was moving around/crawling in the ceiling space. This would go on for ages until I would hide under my blanket and basically pass out from being tired/scared. This scared the sh!t out of me. After a few months it stopped, then after that, I use to hear fluttering in the walls like a bird was stuck in there. My mother, whom I told one night, came in and sat on my bed, listened and she could hear it as well, but as soon as my father came in to listen, it would stop. That happened for one night. A few months later I would hear what sounded like breathing outside my window, this went on for awhile as well, my parents got concerned about that, it stopped when I started getting older.

When I moved houses, I did hear the breathing outside my window but it only happened one night. The new house I moved in at around 12-13 years of age, I use to hear footsteps walking up and down the hallway, as well as in the spare room. This happened a lot, even when I was the only one home. I didn't really bother me as much, just sort of freaked me out. At night I would hear it, and if I tried to listen to it more it would get louder and more frequent. So I would put in headphones and listen to music to drown it out.

I would tell my mother about it, she never heard it nor did my father. My cousin who was staying in the next room, used to hear it sometimes, but he said it sounded like it was in the hallway and not in his room (spareroom).

Now having moved out and to another state, I don't hear the breathing/footsteps in the house I am now. But I do get deja vu a lot, I dream of things and they happened a few months later.
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Last week I had this dream that I was in a dark underground sewer looking place. It was the kind of dram that I couldn't control and in the dream it was as if I was standing there observing. The walls and ground were made out of concrete and I was being creeply watched by a young man than a dog, 1 at a time. Than I woke up and looked at my clock and saw that it was 3AM in the morning. I felt a HUGE wave of fear and evil hovering over me. I felt like I was being glared at my something so I was scared stiff hiding under my blanket.
I am absolutely terrified of spirits and/or demon spirit activity. I only rarely have these experiences when I'm half asleep or trying to wake up. When I think I'm being watched by a spirit or entity I freeze in my bed and I'm paralyzed with fear.
It's a horrible feeling that feels like 10 seconds is 10 hours, you're litterally too paralyzed with fear to go run and turn on your light,
you're hiding under your blankets praying for the nightmare to end. But the minutes drag feels like hours until you regain control of your body and thoughts. You can't move until you see the light of the morning sunrise. That's when the nightmare ends.
this happened a long time ago and i was playing pictochat on my own in my moms bedroom, and then someone came into my room (not the actual room just the room on the ds) and had a weird name with lots of symbols but i said hi and they said hi back, they then started drawing me fish and smiley faces and then suddenly left after about 10 minutes. i asked the neighbours if they used their ds to go on pictochat and they denied it, and i tried contacting the person again but nothing ever came of it
When I was little I had a hallucination (I'm not sure if this was the only time or if it happened often), I was sitting on the couch, aware that my mom was washing dishes in the kitchen, I had a toy room, which was right beside the tv, I was looking into the toy room from the couch, then I just see my mom appear holding out her arms to give me a hug, then I run in there, with my arms held out to hug her, then when I stop running and start putting my arms around her and her about to do it to me, she disappears and I remembered that she was still in the kitchen, washing dishes. So I went in the kitchen to give her a hug, confused by what had just happened.
This is the only weird thing that I remember that has ever happened to me, I never hallucinated again. I still don't know why this happened.
I got up in the middle of the night once with my boyfriend and found random tiny organs laid out on my counter. No blood or fluids around them, it was like someone surgically removed these tiny organs from something and places them on the counter... it was horrifying.
Not too scary for some people but, pretty scary for me.

I remember I was sleeping then suddenly, I stopped breathing. I didn't want to stop breathing but I did. I tried gasping for air, nothing worked. I woke up quickly and i was breathing again. I thought my sister came into my room and sat on me and hid but, no one was there. It happened more two times but doesn't happen anymore.