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The one year challenge

Don't really have many pictures to show for the town of Moo, but I thought this picture was pretty nice


I went to a weeding town yesterday, and I wonder if our mayor's think this is true.


Hey, I bred a purple rose without even trying!


I invited Deirdre over!


Really Bianca? You couldn't request something that fits your personality?


Aww, Celia is cute. Too bad I'm full of villager space. :(


You look ugly, as others would say as well...


I'm afraid something bad is gonna happen because my 9th emotion senses it.
new emotion :)

got the master sword! love this item even though I probably wont use it

zucker is truly lazy... standing on fruit while asking for fruit...

new PWP request, been trying to get one every day :)

julian is still unpacking, he is so cute!

spent the rest of the day fishing, love it when villagers clap after I catch something!

HNI_0050.JPG HNI_0052.JPG
my fishing catalog is at 49% just need to catch one more fish for the bronze badge. bug is at 32% while seafood is at 37%
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So after the 9th villager moved in, my town looks like this:

Lol. If I knew everyone was gonna crowd around the bottom half of the town and leave Bam up there alone I would've put my house next to his. I can't help but wonder if the villagers are doing it on purpose at this point. There's so much space up there, but nope, gotta put my house where everyone else is. I need the last villager to move in on the bottom half for maximum hilarity.
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My second copy of AC:NL arrived today! I'm still deciding on whether or not I want to do the OYC on it or make it into a Cycling Town or go all out and build an entire theme around it. If I go with the third option, I'd probably visit some themed Dream Towns to see what they're like.
my fishing catalog is at 49% just need to catch one more fish for the bronze badge. bug is at 32% while seafood is at 37%
You get an octopus yet?

So I didn't expect anything to happen today. Dream Suite was built and the second floor of the museum is paid off, but other than that, a slow day. I haven't messed with snowmen yet so I was lazily pushing around two snowballs and accidentally made a perfect Snowmam.

39 snowflakes later, got the full Ice Set. Awesome!

And with all the running around grabbing snow flakes, I pinged quite a few villagers which led to...


Aurora suggesting a lighthouse and...


another Coelacanth!
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You get an octopus yet?

So I didn't expect anything to happen today. Dream Suite was built and the second floor of the museum is paid off, but other than that, a slow day. I haven't messed with snowmen yet so I was lazily pushing around two snowballs and accidentally made a perfect Snowmam.

39 snowflakes later, got the full Ice Set. Awesome!

And with all the running around grabbing snow flakes, I pinged quite a few villagers which led to...


Aurora suggesting a lighthouse and...


another Coelacanth!

Yup, got the octopus! Grats ont he Coelacanth :) I still havent caught one
It's actively snowing in my town today! It actually fits perfectly, because it was actively snowing where I live IRL today. ^_^;;

Day 4 Stuff that happened:
- I got my permit so I can build stuff! I'm building another bridge. My default bridge isn't in a terrible place, but it's a bit inconvenient sometimes.
- I paid about half of my initial house off. I hope I can finish paying it off tomorrow so I can make Nook make my house bigger. It's the very tiny first size. :(
- I built another snow papa so I can hopefully fill out bingo a bit easier. I'm thinking about doing a snow mama tomorrow as I got a bunch of snowflakes today due to the actively falling snow.
- Deanna's house is a music studio. Kinda neat!
- I have another plot that showed up. I forget who's moving in. It's yet another animal I don't know. This is a theme for this town, it seems. Not a single villager I've ever had in any town of any version of Animal Crossing.
- Cheri, who I swear doesn't seem to like me, was actually around today. She asked me for a new catchphrase. I gave her one. Less than an hour later, somebody else was saying that catchphrase. I didn't want that villager to say that. I think she really does hate me. :( Normally I like peppy villagers, but just something about her rubs me the wrong way. If she ever asks to move, I don't think I will say no.
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Sorry I haven't posted in a few days, I didn't play on Tuesday or Wednesday so yeah. Not much has been happening but I finally unlocked the cafe today :) It was snowing in Everlong too so I'll probably go on again later to try and catch a Coelacanth :p
Classes started up again on Wednesday so I've barely touched my town since then.

One weird thing that happened yesterday was that my SD card randomly crapped out and I lost all of the day's progress. My save file is good, but I worry that the card is starting to fail. If I lost my progress now I'd pretty much ragequit the challenge.

Also my turnips were going for 154 this morning and now the selling price is 202.
I just narrowly avoided a huge financial crisis.
You might want to get a new SD card and transfer the data onto it -- just to be safe.
That would be really scary if something did happen, though! :(
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that moment when people have unlocked the cafe and i haven't even payed off my 10,000 bell loan or even the mayor yet .-.
Saving my recent updates for a 'First month in my OYC town' sort of thing on Feb 1st :D BUT I wanted to spread the happy news that Hans told me he's moving in 5 days. Yippeeeee! If anyone happens to want a big, smug yeti who is dressed in a police outfit, let me know! ^_^

NOW i'm thinking of changing my town ordinance to beautiful


Yay! This ugly pink villager is being ridden! :D


My first game of hide and seek, I won, I always win!


Hmm. I can't remember if this was my 10th emotion I got or not.