The Perfect Fruit Exchange (ACNL)

Looking for any perfect fruit other than apples. :) can pay a LOT or can trade p. apples:)
Now I just need perfect apples, cherries, and oranges. I have perfect pears or bells if anyone would like to trade. Please pm me! Thanks
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Need all perfect fruit except apples in large quantities!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(also looking for bamboo)
Looking for any perfect fruit besides apples/cherries. I have bunches of perfect peaches to trade.

- - - Post Merge - - -

*a bunch
Looking for two baskets each of perfect cherries, apples, oranges & pears. I can trade for the equivalent in perfect peaches, bells or some hybrids types depending on what I have (blue, orange, gold roses and pink carnations atm.) Or a combination. PM or VM me!
Looking for any perfect fruit. Unfortunately I cant pay much, however I am willing to pay bells.

PM me if interested.

~Thank you~
Looking for perfect fruit (not perfect peaches)

I can trade with perfect peaches or bells.
I'm looking for some perfect fruit of any kind besides fact, I'll trade some perfect peaches or bells for those.
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Looking for perfect fruit (not perfect peaches)

I can trade with perfect peaches or bells.
Willing to trade perfect peaches for perfect cherries. Please shoot me a PM/VM!! (I ran out of cherries :c).
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Perfect peaches are on Premium in Cavalier today. I've made a separate thread if anyone wants to come to sell :)
I have perfect apples, but I only have one tree (which is currently growing)
PM if interested to trade/buy when I have more trees grown & can start selling
If you PM, tell me how many you want to buy
I'll message back those who are interested when I have enough fruit for those people
But I'll also write another message on this thread later when I have more trees
I'll trade a crown for 10 perfect peaches! PM if you want to trade!