The Perfect Fruit Exchange (ACNL)

Right, my perfect orange trees don't appear to be cooperating right now Matroyshka_Kat, so it seems like it's going to be a bit longer until I can trade for those peaches. -.-;
I have a bunch of perfect pears to sell tonight and since it's my first harvest, it would be really great to sell them to a Re-Tail with a premium price for them!
I have a lot of perfect peach trees if anyone wants to buy some perfect peaches
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Perfect Cherries

I have a lot of perfect cherries and im looking for perfect apples, anyone have any?
I have perfect cherries if anyone wants to trade for any other fruit. I would really love oranges or apples, but any is fine!
I can offer perfect peaches! I don't care what other fruits I get
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I'm nearly out of all perfect fruit. =0< except for apples of course.
anybody selling bushels?
am looking for a town to sell my perfect apples in, you can sell in my town also. please pm me, thank you
My native fruit is cherry - I only have appels and oranges so far! Anyone can help me out with peach and pear? ;__; You can sell your fruits in my re-tail if you want :)