The Perfect Fruit Exchange (ACNL)

Anyone has re-tail playing extra for perfect cherries, non-native town? Or Maybe someone wants to trade 20 baskets of perfect cherries for any other fruit? So i could hold on to selling then...
I have perfect peaches for trade and am looking to get any other type of perfect fruit.
Can go pick up, or host a drop off. :)
I stupidly sold my perfect pear since at the time I thought perfect fruits were just rare fruits that you could get on any tree... I have around 260k in bells and would love to buy non native rare fruit (my native fruit is a pear) my Friend Code is 5172-1954-8279. If you would like a higher ammount of bells than what I have I could get more tonight.
The ammount of perfect fruits I'm looking for is about 5 baskets so I could set up an orchard.
I have perfect peaches, looking to trade one basket for one basket of another perfect fruit! My gates are open ☺️ Just send me a private message and I will add you!
I have perfect apples available and am need in all of the others. If you're interested, please message me to set up a time to visit. :)
I offer perfect apples in my town and I am wanting a single bundle of all the other perfect fruit. Please private message me for offers and/or when you plan to visit (please post a timezone). Thank you everyone that are helping me :D

I Still Need a Bundle of:
Perfect Cherries
Perfect Oranges
Perfect Peaches
Perfect Pears
Normal Pears
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I have plenty of basket of Perfect Peaches up for trade! Needing every type of perfect fruit! :)
I have perfect oranges if anyone wants.

I am looking for perfect apples, perfect peaches, perfect cherries, perfect pears.
I have perfect pears, and am looking for perfect cherries and perfect apples. PM me if you'd like to trade~!
i'd like to trade perfect oranges for other perfect fruits, please and thanks!!
Hey would you be willing to add me so I can buy a bundle of cherries off you? I am willing to pay most any price for a basket!
I have perfect apples! If anyone has perfect pears and wants to trade a bundle for a bundle, feel free to pm or vm me.