“Assorted” Collector
There are two types of bad movies in the film industry. One of them are the poorly made movies that are rushed, low budget, low quality, and/or any other film production flaw that makes the movie worth it's bad rating. The other type are insults to the series they come from, like contradicting the purpose of the series, ruining good characters, making up ridiculous facts, and other things that gave the movie a bad rating because of all of the biased fans. And this is not just limited to films, but also books, games, tv shows, and comics.
The two films in question are examples of the latter group (insults to their series). If you want to know what they did wrong, here are the cases:
In your opinion, what movie was a bigger disappointment to you? Would it be the less action-packed sequel of Indiana Jones, or the first prequel of Star Wars?
The two films in question are examples of the latter group (insults to their series). If you want to know what they did wrong, here are the cases:
All of the Star Wars prequels were deemed offensive to Star Wars fans because of the many plot holes and ridiculous facts made up. But this movie was what fans hated most. It had Jar Jar Binks (who was annoying, stupid, and no fit for science fiction), Young Anakin Skywalker (his personality in the movie ruined Darth Vader's character development), midi-chlorians, CGI characters (which looked less realistic), and more politics and less battles. There were other flaws as well, but those are production flaws that's bad for all films. It's not uniquely bad for Star Wars. Plus, there are some fans that didn't like the pod racing segment.
After 19 years of not having a sequel, Indiana Jones came out with the fourth movie to the series. Just like Phantom Menace, Crystal Skull was an insult to the Indiana Jones franchise. Unlike Phantom Menace, the few flaws it had hit the movie even harder. Some of the stuff doesn't even seem like Indiana Jones. One was when he hid in a refrigerator when the town got nuked rather than running away. There were a couple more that I couldn't think of at the top of my head. But the biggest insult coming from the movie is that the mystery they were trying to solve was about the existence of aliens. That's right! This movie has aliens in it when previous movies were about religious artifacts.
In your opinion, what movie was a bigger disappointment to you? Would it be the less action-packed sequel of Indiana Jones, or the first prequel of Star Wars?