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Mafia The Quest for King - Mafia | Game Thread | GAME OVER

OH YEAH, WHAT'S UP MAFIOSOS AND MAFIASAS AND MAFINBYS? I'm here throwing my hat into the day one ring, make me king! But TomTrent, why should we do that? I'm glad you asked peasant! If made king, I will do one of two things, heavily weighted in the no island removal category while the tiny less weighted side of me thinks it'd be funny if I just chose someone at random (like say Oath) and had them mad at me the rest of the game for their early demise. But TrentTom, that's not compelling! To that I say what else do you want? At most we fish for information about our opponents by removing a night kill, at worst you all dislike me as we go into day two! But Tom the Warrior, this is a closed setup we should be fishing for information anyways? What are you, my boss? It's day one I'm here to relax before we all hunch over and ummmm ackthully each other and bring out the crayola coloring list of yarn theories.

Truly, voting for I, Trent the Paladin, would be good for us all! And selfishly allow me to actually play one of these rps I sign up for but then get cast off day one for the wrong thing of "why should we evict someone day one when nothing has happened other than last hour panic?". With hearts full of love for your fellow Toad, vote me. xoxo <3
killing oath sounds funny
I wonder who the king will be... please not anyone who targets people for no reason
This begs the question on if we should vote a king who will attack the player the majority thinks should go, or just trust their own judgement

Important question on the moral obligation the king has
killing oath sounds funny
Much like the terminology that is frowned upon, I do not recall the stance on liking other people's posts and will use this to vocalize one like and subscribe!

Meanwhile me: I feel like an outsider here
We mean no ill will, do feel free to be funny with us. I mostly am not going to take anything seriously until day two should I live to see it or if something really reeks from a post.

I wonder who the king will be... please not anyone who targets people for no reason
But it would be funny...
This begs the question on if we should vote a king who will attack the player the majority thinks should go, or just trust their own judgement

Important question on the moral obligation the king has
Yeah, I agree. I already made my stance clear on what I would do if I was king, but I need to know the other's stances.
If you vote me for King, I can guarantee you and I would become besties. Want to be part of my inner circle alliance?
Why are you already trying to give yourself a bias by targeting me, a newbie?
Much like the terminology that is frowned upon, I do not recall the stance on liking other people's posts and will use this to vocalize one like and subscribe!

We mean no ill will, do feel free to be funny with us. I mostly am not going to take anything seriously until day two should I live to see it or if something really reeks from a post.

But it would be funny...
And the most insane person comes in, hi.
Much like the terminology that is frowned upon, I do not recall the stance on liking other people's posts and will use this to vocalize one like and subscribe!
I think the general consensus in the past is liking is okay as long as it’s only from alive players
This begs the question on if we should vote a king who will attack the player the majority thinks should go, or just trust their own judgement

Important question on the moral obligation the king has
if you guys vote me for king, i swear to panic and have no idea on what to do!
This begs the question on if we should vote a king who will attack the player the majority thinks should go, or just trust their own judgement

Important question on the moral obligation the king has
It's important to commit to the bit, voting for a king who just eagerly votes for what the majority wants might as well be no king at all. "it was the will of the people, you can't fault me for getting the ejection of X player wrong!" wrong, rip bozo.

Like I said, I intend on no elimination night one if made king. Boring? Sure. Could I spice it up by giving into the devil in me and just random voting someone? Sure, but I'm not likely to do that. If we're going to elect "Yes men", I would prefer to get removed because why even play kingmaker.
Yeah, I agree. I already made my stance clear on what I would do if I was king, but I need to know the other's stances.

Why are you already trying to give yourself a bias by targeting me, a newbie?

And the most insane person comes in, hi.
I’m unsure how I’m biased for targeting you, is that the correct verb you were going for?

Regardless I’m just yanking your chain a bit, though my inner circle is welcome to all players who are virtuous enough to try and catch the wolves. If you’re a wolf though you’re not welcome to join, just the ropes.
It's important to commit to the bit, voting for a king who just eagerly votes for what the majority wants might as well be no king at all. "it was the will of the people, you can't fault me for getting the ejection of X player wrong!" wrong, rip bozo.

Like I said, I intend on no elimination night one if made king. Boring? Sure. Could I spice it up by giving into the devil in me and just random voting someone? Sure, but I'm not likely to do that. If we're going to elect "Yes men", I would prefer to get removed because why even play kingmaker.
Though I hard disagree with voting for no one, I agree that making the king vote majority is a waste of the setup. Maybe for day 1 it could be okay, though.
I’m unsure how I’m biased for targeting you, is that the correct verb you were going for?

Regardless I’m just yanking your chain a bit, though my inner circle is welcome to all players who are virtuous enough to try and catch the wolves. If you’re a wolf though you’re not welcome to join, just the ropes.
I couldn't think of a fitting word, so that's why. As for wolf-catching, I prefer to observe from the sidelines and take note of any and all possible evidence.