I wish I had kept my very first town from the 14th of June as well! If there is a Wii U Animal Crossing game, I'm determinded to not reset once I've started playing, no matter how much I start to dislike my town. I'll have to make it work, and I'll be proud when I get it to how I want. If any plans are ruined because of houses or rocks, I'll try to change them. If I can't make them work, I'll make new ones!
I did actually reset again last week, and I'm so much happier with my layout this time. The town overall is very close to perfect, actually! It's just a shame I didn't get apples as my fruit, or a blue train station. I got cherries and a green one instead, both of which were actually my second favourites. To my surprise, I got the exact town hall I wanted, and even the grass shape was my favourite (being triangles), although I didn't care about that much. Even my starting villagers were pretty good! I started with Al, Frank, Portia, Genji, and Bunnie. Bunnie is fairly close to my town hall, which is a bit annoying... but there's a rock near it anyway so I can't even go ahead with my plan of putting a fountain there regardless of Bunnie's house. Genji's house is near a bridge spot I wanted, but I like him so I may not get rid of him... who knows? And now I've managed to get my hands on Fauna, Zell, Mira, and Diana, all of whom are dreamies, and I'm so very happy with my town.
I'm very glad I did actually reset this one last time, and I hope it only gets better from here.

Of course, I do still miss the fact I didn't create my town on the 14th of June, as well as all of the progress I had made and the villagers I had, but... hopefully this town will become even better.