Oooooh...So I've been resetting my town for like a week now. Then I took a day or two break, came back, and after a few hours found this beauty. It has the two main things I've been looking for: apples and circle grass. (Would have liked a connected beach, but not a must) I also didn't hate the villagers! Stay strong guys--once you find the right one, you just know it. (Also feel free to tell me what you think!!) View attachment 52987
So I've been resetting my town for like a week now. Then I took a day or two break, came back, and after a few hours found this beauty. It has the two main things I've been looking for: apples and circle grass. (Would have liked a connected beach, but not a must) I also didn't hate the villagers! Stay strong guys--once you find the right one, you just know it. (Also feel free to tell me what you think!!) View attachment 52987
I've started resetting my second town like crazy. I just found a town that had 3 squirrels as starters wow. And Punchy who's like my favorite ever. But I'm still nto sure if I'll keep the town..
You don't like the layout?
So after almost three hours I've found a town that meets almost all of my requirements. The only thing is it doesn't have any dreamies. Like my villagers are pretty decent (Rodeo, Soleil, Lolly, Axel, Pate) but yeah I'm not sure... Should I keep it?
So after almost three hours I've found a town that meets almost all of my requirements. The only thing is it doesn't have any dreamies. Like my villagers are pretty decent (Rodeo, Soleil, Lolly, Axel, Pate) but yeah I'm not sure... Should I keep it?