I want to reset, but I love my town. the only thing I don't like about it is that I don't think I planned my town out enough because now there are so much things I forgot to plan out, it's a mess. But I
LOVE this town. My restraunt/store themed house is almost completed, there are a lot of unorderables and rare items in that house. I have Joey, Pudge, and Nibbles.

I have
SO MUCH hybrids and some took forever to spawn. And so much other things stoping me from restarting but I'd rather not list it. I don't want to ask my friends since they either don't play often anymore or they're in the process of working on their town so they can't just have stuff lying around. Also I'm scared to have a complete stranger hold my stuff. Also I think my friends are irritated with me restarting too much.