The Resetting Thread

I found a map I really like! I decided to go for my old preferences again cause I'd rather have more room for pwps than a center plaza placement. This is my map:

View attachment 69806

I'm planning on putting the cafe to the left of the plaza, the police station either to the south of the town hall or the left of the train station and having a campsite area by the pond on the right. And the best part is it has Hamlet (one of my major dreamies) and Molly too! Hopefully I'll actually manage to keep this town for good and never reset again :)

Ooh this is a really nice map! :) good luck with it and congrats on finding your dreamies with it! :)
Also, it's ironic how the area where you put your house is where I put one of my other character's house.

You have a nice map, and nice villagers. I would put the Police Station next to the Cafe if I were you. (If there were any room, though)

Sorry, I don't quite get the irony? :p That is a funny coincidence though :) Thanks! Oh yeah that's a good idea if it'll fit, I'd like to have all the main things in the same area. I'm pretty sure there's a rock around that area though so probably will only fit the cafe.

Ooh this is a really nice map! :) good luck with it and congrats on finding your dreamies with it! :)

Thanks! Only nine more dreamies to go! Haha
Things have quieted down a lot in Coven, so I'm thinking of resetting the save file on my cartridge (the Coven save is digital), but I'm not sure I want to. A small part of me wants to check to make sure Fauna hasn't left my old town, but I also don't know if I could handle her yelling at me. I'm also not sure if I want to start a new game when I'm devoting so much time to finding my dreamies for Coven. Maybe I should wait until I've acquired them before I set off on a quest for a whole new set of dreamies. Idk.

I reset my town on September 1, and it took me several hours to get that perfect town layout. This is the 4th town in New Leaf and I really hope I just stick with it this time. It takes so long to build your town up that I'm afraid if I restart yet again I'll just give up on the game.

I got a town layout similar to my first one in New Leaf, which is what I wanted. I should have never restarted my first town, but I got bored with it and wanted something new and haven't found a similar layout til now:


Fruit - Orange / Durian / Banana

This is the town layout when I first started but I added 2 bridges and have 10 villagers at the moment. I'll have to upload a new pic at some point.
Sorry, I don't quite get the irony? :p That is a funny coincidence though :) Thanks! Oh yeah that's a good idea if it'll fit, I'd like to have all the main things in the same area. I'm pretty sure there's a rock around that area though so probably will only fit the cafe.

What I meant by the irony is that the area where you put your house is the exact area where I put one of my alternative characters lol. I put it in the small strip of land in the lower left corner of town. I don't know why, but I prefer to have the Cafe and Police Station together, if there's a rock there then you should go with your other plan. :)
What I meant by the irony is that the area where you put your house is the exact area where I put one of my alternative characters lol. I put it in the small strip of land in the lower left corner of town. I don't know why, but I prefer to have the Cafe and Police Station together, if there's a rock there then you should go with your other plan. :)

Haha I think they meant it was more coincidental than ironic. :) it is a pretty neat coincidence though.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I reset my town on September 1, and it took me several hours to get that perfect town layout. This is the 4th town in New Leaf and I really hope I just stick with it this time. It takes so long to build your town up that I'm afraid if I restart yet again I'll just give up on the game.

I got a town layout similar to my first one in New Leaf, which is what I wanted. I should have never restarted my first town, but I got bored with it and wanted something new and haven't found a similar layout til now:

View attachment 69939

Fruit - Orange / Durian / Banana

This is the town layout when I first started but I added 2 bridges and have 10 villagers at the moment. I'll have to upload a new pic at some point.

Interesting map. I also found it kind of amusing that only one of your villagers' names doesn't start with a B.
I've been thinking about resetting my town for the past couple of days because of the fact that after I've seen a dozen or so dream towns, I've realized that my town layout is... not the best. Or rather, not as good as I've wanted it to be. Another thing that REALLY eats at me is I completely screwed up as to where I placed my cafe, because I wanted my fountain to be placed in front of it, but I ended up placing the cafe too close to the river, so now I have no room.

The only thing that keeps me from resetting is the fact that it takes so long to build up the shops in the town center and also for the fact that I was lucky enough to have 3 of my absolute favorite villagers (Apollo, Marshal, and Mitzi) already living in my town as soon as I started, and I'm honestly not sure if I'll have that kind of luck of getting those 3 again, especially with Apollo/Marshal.

I've been playing since Sept 13th and already collected a lot of items that take a bit of effort to get (Several parts of the mermaid set, other items), and I don't know anyone that would be able to hold those items for me until I reset. Im not sure how trustworthy some people are with holding other people's items, and I highkey don't want to risk it, especially with the PITA mermaid set.

If anyone has any advice/help on whether or not I should reset, I'd appreciate it.

This is my town layout:
If you feel unhappy with your layout, that's something that can never change. But villagers and items can be held or regained. There are plenty of trustworthy people here that can hold your items or your villagers. I could always hold your items if you like, or you could look for someone in the Train Station board. I was very generously helped by someone here just recently, no problems at all. Look for high wifi ratings if you're wary.

(This is especially for a villager like Marshal) You could always try to TT the animals out and ask someone to hold them for you, but that may take a while. And it's a bit hard to find someone who can hold them, because they need to be ready at any time to get them in boxes again for you. (I think there was a holding thread on the Villager Trading board? Maybe check that out :))
I've also got that same dilemma as @Utenas.
I'm over my town name, layout and I don't really strive for Dreamies at all.
I also have quite a few items/sets I'd like to keep or catalog once I've reset. Bells and the shops don't matter to me as they can be easily achieved.

Sigh. Dilemma, dilemma..!
@Utenas ~ You can always plot reset for Marshal since he's a smug. It saves getting him held.
Maybe look for a town without a normal or cranky in, too, and plot reset for Apollo or Mitzi?

Gonna try out this town for a while see if I like it. Layout is good, villagers are great, I love all of them! Only downside is cherries as native fruit.

View attachment 69142

just thought i'd update that i've kept this town and i'm in love with it.
currently residing are molly, maple, merengue, fuchsia, fauna, tom, cousteau, bunnie, melba and hans
I've resetted a few times, the first was when I got bored with my town because it had too much and wasn't going anywhere, and the second was because I had too many bells from duping and everything was ugly. Then I did a reset on the town I just started because my friend took my 3DS and set the date to 2015 and there were weeds everywhere... So yea. I guess those are valid reasons to reset, just don't be scared of resetting. If you truly don't want to loose your villagers or town then just don't reset. Hope this helps :)
Unlike a lot of (admittedly, saner) people here, I'm resetting for villagers. I'm not super picky about the map as long as the river isn't too winding, and I don't get the square grass+pears combination. But I've been resetting for days for villagers that I like, I mean it's not like I'm looking to start out with five dreamies, because that might take actual years? but... maybe I just don't like enough villagers? Or I've just been having rotten luck. I've done this so many times that I can't make myself settle, I have to want to keep all five of them around for a while! I just can't make myself want to play those first few weeks if there's somebody I don't like in my town. And I know I could TT them out, but the times I've tried I felt really pressured to get everything done in one day.

I actually enjoy resetting. But it's high time for me to make some actual progress. I'm slightly worried that I want things to be too perfect, but it has happened before (until I forgot to check for the ninth villager's plot...), so why give up now?
So a while back I reset due to a glitch with PWP placement...and now I'm considering resetting again. Because I never knew till now about grass patterns, and I really want circle grass so I can have star snow. As of right now, I have square grass. There's a couple of other things about my town I'm not too fond of ether (like my trains station color) but that I decided I would work with for the sake of having a town that's really close to what I wanted. case I do reset AGAIN, can someone please give me a list of thing I should consider about towns, in case there's any other hidden things I'm missing? I know about the different town hall and traint station colors, I know about the different maps and ocean sides, I'm aware of rock placement and ponds. Now I'm aware of grass patterns too. Oh, and town fruit is obvious.

What other things are there I should be aware of if I choose to reset again?
Last edited: case I do reset AGAIN, can someone please give me a list of thing I should consider about towns, in case there's any other hidden things I'm missing?

Re-Tail close to the train station~
it makes big money trades A LOT easier

but if you don't plan on doing a lot of trades then re-tail newhere is fine
Re-Tail close to the train station~
it makes big money trades A LOT easier

but if you don't plan on doing a lot of trades then re-tail newhere is fine

Yeah, I know that. My current town has a Retail near the station and I love it. And it's Mayor's office is right next to the plaza. I really love the map I have. And I have perfect apples.

But star snow...
Yeah, I know that. My current town has a Retail near the station and I love it. And it's Mayor's office is right next to the plaza. I really love the map I have. And I have perfect apples.

But star snow...

ehh i dont think you should reset your map just for star snow. It's overrated imo and it's only there for 3 months outta the 12
ehh i dont think you should reset your map just for star snow. It's overrated imo and it's only there for 3 months outta the 12

Yeah, I guess you're right. It's hardly noticable anyway in these games. The grass textures are really hidden.
After five hours of resetting today (yes I took breaks) I finally got a town with Pekoe, Apple, Pecan, Walker, and Wolfgang. I'm not crazy about Pecan but she's tolerable, considering I really like the other four. I can finally send an apology letter to Walker for accidentally hitting him in the face with the net in my old town! And I get to pick my jock, which means Bam you're all mine!!! The map's not bad, although the town square and Re-Tail are far to the right, but I like the river shape (6B on the bottom-right chart on this page), and I got triangle grass and peaches, which I like. I'll post the map in the map thread when I can screenshot it.
I'm just really relieved because I thought I'd be doing this forever, and I wanted to have enough time to prepare for Halloween! I seriously have about 900 times played in my activity log, and at least 700 of those are resets ._.

Divo -- it looks like you've already decided not to restart, and I think you made the right choice. While I was resetting tonight I realized that the grass shape, and even the town fruit, aren't all that important compared to other stuff.