The Resetting Thread

I resetted yesterday! I'm so happy I got a hamster <3 It isn't Rodney, but Flurry, but still!

Wishing you all the luck Snapdragon!
I'm not happy with my main town, my river layout is to blame. :(


My map layout for Woodway. (This was before Bruce moved in)


My OYC town, with TONS of space!

So seriously, is there something wrong with my map layout for Woodway? And should I restart?
I'm not happy with my main town, my river layout is to blame. :(

View attachment 84208

My map layout for Woodway. (This was before Bruce moved in)

View attachment 84209

My OYC town, with TONS of space!

So seriously, is there something wrong with my map layout for Woodway? And should I restart?

There's nothing "wrong" with your town map, per se; the extra two ponds might stink but they're sort of out of the way. I guess it all depends on what you want to place in your town if you have the needed space or not.
If you feel you don't have that, I'd reset.
There's nothing "wrong" with your town map, per se; the extra two ponds might stink but they're sort of out of the way. I guess it all depends on what you want to place in your town if you have the needed space or not.
If you feel you don't have that, I'd reset.
Oh ok thanks! Then I guess I should get rid of a few PWPs that I don't need when I get all my dreamies at certain locations I want them to be at.
I just reset my third town yesterday. I have a map that I really like and apples for the first time ever! But I hate all of my starter villagers, and what worse is I forgot that someone was going to move in today and it's freaking Boone. I'm going to have to cycle everyone out before I can start getting villagers I really want.
I'm really thinking about resetting again... This would be my third reset, but I'm still hung up on a town layout I had but messed up my house placement. My map isn't too bad now, but I can't get this map out of my head. It was absolutely PERFECT! Town hall in the center, straight river, south waterfall, private beach, retail by the train station, only one pond. I know it's probably unlikely that I will get that map again but I can't stop imagining how perfect my town would have been with it. The only problem is I have three dreamies in my town currently, I'm not too far along with it, but far enough that it would be a hassle to start over. I would ask someone to hold my things for me, but I'm also not sure how long it would take to find that map again. I just know i settled with the map I have now, and now I'm unhappy with it. I just don't want to reset again and then settle for a map that's even worse!

I don't know what to do :(

- - - Post Merge - - -

It might be nice to have a fresh start, and you could always bring some of the stuff with you if you find someone kind enough to hold it for you!

I would say if the layout is really bugging you, and you're not too picky about the town map, (If you are you might get stuck in a resetting binge like me), and you don't mind doing all that collecting again, it could be really fun to start over.

I reset about 5 times maybe 6 and honestly if you're not happy with a map and you know what you're looking for, reset until you find that map you're looking for and are completely satisfied with it. On my last reset I think I was resetting for like 3 hours before I found one I liked. There were times where I was like oh I wish blah was there and blah was here instead but got over it and like where everything is placed. As for dreamies, you can always buy them from here or other forums so personally, I wouldn't let that keep me from resetting. My map isn't perfect... sigh ... med-long river but only 1 pond and not many rocks so good enough to make me want to stick with it.
just resetting my town now! :-0
this is the fifth or sixth time. i messed up on a few house placements, and just want my town to be as nice as possible.
ive realised how bad my map is so i guess ill reset !!! ive already come up with mayor/town names as you can see in my sig. still deciding on villagers lmao.
after i finish with my second game with cycling villagers for my first, ill make it into a normal town (onett). hope i get nice maps quickly !!!
I think I need to convince myself that no matter what my map is I can work around it tbh;;
I always find dream towns will cool layouts even w/ the most awful maps imaginable so I just gotta put effort into it and not reset because its not going my way

town 1, equinox. aint going to post second town bc its a cycle town atm
caroline may fit in the town theme but like. idk how to feel bout her yet
I resetted some days ago because I didn't like the town layout. I didn't lose anything, as the town was fairly new and there were no interesting villagers, and eventually got a good map. I'd definitely recommend resetting for town layout purposes if you have nothing to lose!

town 1, equinox. aint going to post second town bc its a cycle town atm
caroline may fit in the town theme but like. idk how to feel bout her yet​

I've had Caroline. She'll grow on you, if you'll let her.
She was the first normal that I ever liked. She was also, the 14th one that I had had.
My town is actually very nice, but my placement of villager houses and some of the rocks just drive me nuts. There is a lot of empty space available on the opposite side of the town, due to me placing the villager houses (and my own house) in the same area. It's a little depressing, to be honest. I'm pretty much decided, but I may change my mind at the last minute and decide to do the cycling trick.
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Once I get the itch to reset I know I eventually will, but I've poured a lot of bells and effort into this town and it's not anything wrong with it, I'm just bored to tears with my map ;_;