The Resetting Thread

I just reset, I logged in and a villager decided to put their plot right in front of mine, so i was extremely pissed off, goodbye town hello new town!
I just reset, I logged in and a villager decided to put their plot right in front of mine, so i was extremely pissed off, goodbye town hello new town!

Oh haha, that's bad luck. I've picked a town with a house in front of the town hall once, since I did like the map. You have no idea how annoying that is, I couldn't decorate the front and my house was close to it as well, so it looked really bad. Hopefully you can find a new town with a layout as good as the previous one!

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I just reset, I logged in and a villager decided to put their plot right in front of mine, so i was extremely pissed off, goodbye town hello new town!

Oh haha, that's bad luck. I've picked a town with a house in front of the town hall once, since I did like the map. You have no idea how annoying that is, I couldn't decorate the front and my house was close to it as well, so it looked really bad. Hopefully you can find a new town with a layout as good as the previous one!
I've been thinking of resetting one of my towns, Galaxy. A few months ago, I got bored with the town and have turned it into a cycling town for my main one. But I eventually also got bored with cycling as well and I'm just not sure on what to do at this point. The reason why I'm not ready to reset yet is because I really, really like my town map. What should I do?
I've been thinking of resetting one of my towns, Galaxy. A few months ago, I got bored with the town and have turned it into a cycling town for my main one. But I eventually also got bored with cycling as well and I'm just not sure on what to do at this point. The reason why I'm not ready to reset yet is because I really, really like my town map. What should I do?

Is there anyway you can rework the two without resetting? Like maybe just go through with an axe and shovel and level most of it, delete a bunch of pwps, and just have fun rebuilding it completely?
I just reset, decided that I time travelled too much, I want to take the game one day at a time so it's more fun, and getting dreamies was taking away what the games mean to me. I'm not getting dreamies and time travelling anymore.
Hey, I'm kind of considering reseting... I don't like my house placement and it bugged me so soon after placing it. Re-tail and the docks are on opposite ends of the map and a river pretty directly splits it. I'm finally beginning to think about the possibility of landscaping someday, but the spaces seem like they'll be cramped. But I'm also torn because I have several villagers I love and want to keep some of my items/furniture...

But do you think it would be best to reset now because I haven't sunk waaay too much time into it? Don't get me wrong, I have hours invested in it. But my house isn't even fully updated and main street isn't done. My museum has a lot of stuff, but I'm not too concerned about progressively restoring it. Would it be best to reset now while I'm not totally in deep rather than keep pushing on even though things are bugging me? I just think it might be sad to reset because I finally started villager trading and it would be sad to see my favorites go. But I could eventually get them back in theory, right?
Hey, I'm kind of considering reseting... I don't like my house placement and it bugged me so soon after placing it. Re-tail and the docks are on opposite ends of the map and a river pretty directly splits it. I'm finally beginning to think about the possibility of landscaping someday, but the spaces seem like they'll be cramped. But I'm also torn because I have several villagers I love and want to keep some of my items/furniture...

But do you think it would be best to reset now because I haven't sunk waaay too much time into it? Don't get me wrong, I have hours invested in it. But my house isn't even fully updated and main street isn't done. My museum has a lot of stuff, but I'm not too concerned about progressively restoring it. Would it be best to reset now while I'm not totally in deep rather than keep pushing on even though things are bugging me? I just think it might be sad to reset because I finally started villager trading and it would be sad to see my favorites go. But I could eventually get them back in theory, right?

I think you should reset.
You can ask people to hold your items for you while you reset, and maybe even a villager or two if you have the patience to move them out.
So... I just reset my town... I didn't have the patience to wait for the weekend to buy a 2nd cartridge, and my 2 year old town was so cringey, especially since Kidd was in it. I just couldn't stand it with all my mistakes and Kidd, so... I restarted everything. I really love my new town! I have a beautiful map, and I'm taking time to plan things out for real. I guess I just needed a fresh start, and I'm glad I did this. :)
I really want to reset, but I want to ask before I do. Here is a list of reasons I want to reset:

My house is in a bad location, blocking some of the river pond.
Town layout: one of the ponds is behind town hall, blocking it, too many rocks with bad locations, long narrow stretch of useless land at the top of the town seperated by the river and railroad, and I just don't like the overall layout.
Bad roost location, blocking part of the river and preventing my from building a 3rd bridge.
Time traveling a lot made me less interested in playing.

And now cons of resetting:
I have almost all my dream villagers, so I would lose them.
I have to get all pwps, shop upgrades, catalog items, and museum donations back.
I will lose 7 million bells, although I don't mind it that much.

I'm pretty sure I'll reset tomorrow anyway, but just incase I wanted to know if anyone had anything to say.
I really want to reset, but I want to ask before I do. Here is a list of reasons I want to reset:

My house is in a bad location, blocking some of the river pond.
Town layout: one of the ponds is behind town hall, blocking it, too many rocks with bad locations, long narrow stretch of useless land at the top of the town seperated by the river and railroad, and I just don't like the overall layout.
Bad roost location, blocking part of the river and preventing my from building a 3rd bridge.
Time traveling a lot made me less interested in playing.

And now cons of resetting:
I have almost all my dream villagers, so I would lose them.
I have to get all pwps, shop upgrades, catalog items, and museum donations back.
I will lose 7 million bells, although I don't mind it that much.

I'm pretty sure I'll reset tomorrow anyway, but just incase I wanted to know if anyone had anything to say.

I think you should reset. From what I read you dislike the layout, but enjoy the villagers and the items. That's why almost everyone isn't sure about resetting, because people obtained their dreamies and shops, etc. In your new town you can get those villagers back, might take some time but it is possible. Also, after awhile you will get the shops etc. back, but you can never change the ponds, rocks or your house. So, you should reset.
Ugh... my own mistakes are making me want to reset.

First of all... I got into ACNL because of my ex, and since this was our thing and I was so hopelessly infatuated, I named the town after him (spoiler alert: it's not really Mystique).

Second of all... I didn't know about "plot resetting" yet, and I didn't really understand the importance of it when Zell (my first dreamie) moved in. He plopped down right next to town hall and I was... definitely flabbergasted. When he asked to move, I said yes, and was disappointed when he decided to stay after that.

Since then, I realized most of the houses were along the coast. How cool would it be to have all my villagers on the beachy coast, leaving literally the rest of the entire town to be mine? Have my garden, my fruit orchard, my perfect apple orchard, parks... no bubbles, no troubles. My next three dreamies moved in accorded to plan, and plot resetting was practically a waste of time cause everytime, the houses were right where I wanted anyway.

Until Ed. Because he was scheduled to move in the same day Carmen moved out, I flubbed while Time Traveling, and his house was built.... not on the coast. I've come to realize it's not the worst thing, he is on the other side of a pond and Wart Jr.'s neighbor, and I had no plans of moving Wart, partially cause there probably wouldn't be enough room, and also... a little toady frog belongs by a lake! This horse found his water, okay fine.

I got a buzz today that Eloise was ready and I was delighted! There was no way I could mess this up.
Except I did.
After over three hours of plot resetting, and her house not going anywhere near the coast (although filling in Carmen's gap would've been ideal), I got totally excited when in the little preview, it showed Carmen's plot roped off! I mean, it shows everything else in the town (including when Carmen's house was gone after 6AM), I loaded the game as mayor because how cool, it's finally there, why waste all that time?
NOPE. For whatever reason it decided to be smack in my perfect apple orchard, and now most of the trees I've painstakingly grown are gone :|
And of course this is saved.

Here are the pros:
- I have all my fossils, and most of my art, bugs, and fish (missing less than 20 things combined).
- My house is P E R F E C T by my standards.
- My town layout is perfect, too. I haven't seen many people with it, so maybe it's actually woefully "wrong" or unpopular, but I love it.
- I have all but one of my dreamies (Rodeo moved in to a cycling town so I'm waiting on him).

There are downsides though:
- The name.
- Villagers are everywhere and layout is hopeless now.

When put like that it seems pretty petty, I guess. It is frustrating though :(
I really want to play new leaf again. Every time I take an unplanned break from the game I never want to play in the current town anymore despite any progress I've made. I have a nice layout and a few dreamies but I just don't want to play in that town. Sigggh I'm a serial resetter I guess
I really want to play new leaf again. Every time I take an unplanned break from the game I never want to play in the current town anymore despite any progress I've made. I have a nice layout and a few dreamies but I just don't want to play in that town. Sigggh I'm a serial resetter I guess
Don't feel bad. I'm the same way! If I ever take a long, unplanned break, it's just more fun for me to start anew rather than fix up my old town.
Ugh... my own mistakes are making me want to reset.

First of all... I got into ACNL because of my ex, and since this was our thing and I was so hopelessly infatuated, I named the town after him (spoiler alert: it's not really Mystique).

Second of all... I didn't know about "plot resetting" yet, and I didn't really understand the importance of it when Zell (my first dreamie) moved in. He plopped down right next to town hall and I was... definitely flabbergasted. When he asked to move, I said yes, and was disappointed when he decided to stay after that.

Since then, I realized most of the houses were along the coast. How cool would it be to have all my villagers on the beachy coast, leaving literally the rest of the entire town to be mine? Have my garden, my fruit orchard, my perfect apple orchard, parks... no bubbles, no troubles. My next three dreamies moved in accorded to plan, and plot resetting was practically a waste of time cause everytime, the houses were right where I wanted anyway.

Until Ed. Because he was scheduled to move in the same day Carmen moved out, I flubbed while Time Traveling, and his house was built.... not on the coast. I've come to realize it's not the worst thing, he is on the other side of a pond and Wart Jr.'s neighbor, and I had no plans of moving Wart, partially cause there probably wouldn't be enough room, and also... a little toady frog belongs by a lake! This horse found his water, okay fine.

I got a buzz today that Eloise was ready and I was delighted! There was no way I could mess this up.
Except I did.
After over three hours of plot resetting, and her house not going anywhere near the coast (although filling in Carmen's gap would've been ideal), I got totally excited when in the little preview, it showed Carmen's plot roped off! I mean, it shows everything else in the town (including when Carmen's house was gone after 6AM), I loaded the game as mayor because how cool, it's finally there, why waste all that time?
NOPE. For whatever reason it decided to be smack in my perfect apple orchard, and now most of the trees I've painstakingly grown are gone :|
And of course this is saved.

Here are the pros:
- I have all my fossils, and most of my art, bugs, and fish (missing less than 20 things combined).
- My house is P E R F E C T by my standards.
- My town layout is perfect, too. I haven't seen many people with it, so maybe it's actually woefully "wrong" or unpopular, but I love it.
- I have all but one of my dreamies (Rodeo moved in to a cycling town so I'm waiting on him).

There are downsides though:
- The name.
- Villagers are everywhere and layout is hopeless now.

When put like that it seems pretty petty, I guess. It is frustrating though :(

I reckon you should get another cartridge, if possible.

I know this thread has not been really active lately but yes, I am too thinking about resetting. The main reason of why I want to do it is the map and the placement of the permanent PWPs and the villagers' houses. Here's my map:


I'm not sure what made me chose this, but I feel very limited and I think everything is too cramped at this point. I didn't think the placement of the permanent PWPs through and I'm not really convinced by the layout. My dreamies are in horrible spots as well.

The town is 7 months old, so I have done quite a bit of progress. I thought of doing a list and here goes nothing:

- Fresh start
- I could actually plan ahead according to the theme instead of randomly placing everything everywhere
- Change the layout and the permanent PWPs
- Change the native fruit

- Losing my villagers. Granted, I only have 5/10 dreamies achieved, two of them being smug and uchi so I could plot reset for them in my next town. But I can't stand losing Diana, Fauna and Sprinkle and it's a bit hard finding someone to hold them nowadays.
- Don't really mind about losing my bells, although my house is nearly finished (4 payments left)
- Losing my items (although I can get the most important ones held)
- Main street and the Museum. I only need Katrina's to finish Main street and I only need 20 more things to complete the museum (completed fossils).

I really don't know what to do, because I'm kind of lazy so resetting is a pain but I also feel I should do it because my map is not what I would like.
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I really want to play new leaf again. Every time I take an unplanned break from the game I never want to play in the current town anymore despite any progress I've made. I have a nice layout and a few dreamies but I just don't want to play in that town. Sigggh I'm a serial resetter I guess

I feel the same way. While I don't suffer from Serial Resetting Syndrome I often take very long breaks for the game, get back into it for a day or two, and then leave for a long time again.
I've reset about 3 times in total since I got the game three years ago and each time I think "this is going to help me get into the game again and give me a fresh start and I'll get to go through all the excitement of unlocking everything again and etc etc etc" but it never works. So resetting really isn't the answer to this problem.
I suggest you just need a break from the game in general. Put it down for a month or two, or more or less depending on how you feel. When you get the urge pick it up again. If you still find yourself unhappy with your town, don't reset. Take another break. Or try to work with what you have.

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I know this thread has not been really active lately but yes, I am too thinking about resetting. The main reason of why I want to do it is the map and the placement of the permanent PWPs and the villagers' houses. Here's my map:

View attachment 178671

I'm not sure what made me chose this, but I feel very limited and I think everything is too cramped at this point. I didn't think the placement of the permanent PWPs through and I'm not really convinced by the layout. My dreamies are in horrible spots as well.

The town is 7 months old, so I have done quite a bit of progress. I thought of doing a list and here goes nothing:

- Fresh start
- I could actually plan ahead according to the theme instead of randomly placing everything everywhere
- Change the layout and the permanent PWPs
- Change the native fruit

- Losing my villagers. Granted, I only have 5/10 dreamies achieved, two of them being smug and uchi so I could plot reset for them in my next town. But I can't stand losing Diana, Fauna and Sprinkle and it's a bit hard finding someone to hold them nowadays.
- Don't really mind about losing my bells, although my house is nearly finished (4 payments left)
- Losing my items (although I can get the most important ones held)
- Main street and the Museum. I only need Katrina's to finish Main street and I only need 20 more things to complete the museum (completed fossils).

I really don't know what to do, because I'm kind of lazy so resetting is a pain but I also feel I should do it because my map is not what I would like.

I personally really like your layout, though it isn't possible for me to see all the landscaping and non major PWP's.
While I normally say if only things that you've aquired and can be gotten backare holding you back from resetting (museum completion, dreamies etc) you should go ahead and do it since you can get them back (rather than permanent things like name, town name, layout etc that you should definetly reset for if you're really unhappy with them) I also think that you should maybe consider trying to work with what you've got, and maybe demolish and rebuild some of the non permanent PWP's.
I think I'm leaning towards resetting though. You can get your bells and items held, and get back museum items via trading. I understand how hard it is to get a person to hold a villager, let alone 3, so I suggest you either pick the one you love the most and try to find a babysitter or just let them all go and save yourself the trouble.
I am starting all over again today. I lost my save a few months ago and I was so annoyed and sad, that I am only now coming back to ACNL. I wasn't sure if I should spend more time with ACNL since the NX will be released next year and Nintendo is likely releasing a proper new AC by then, buuut I love this series so much, I couldn't resist the urge to waste countless times developing a new village.

I am starting all over again today. I lost my save a few months ago and I was so annoyed and sad, that I am only now coming back to ACNL. I wasn't sure if I should spend more time with ACNL since the NX will be released next year and Nintendo is likely releasing a proper new AC by then, buuut I love this series so much, I couldn't resist the urge to waste countless times developing a new village.

Good luck with your new town ~!
It's a great time to restart!

If you really like your town and develop it - there is enough to do between now and ACNX release!

I had some time away from my towns but I'm back and I want to really accomplish everything I want to do with New Leaf so I'll be ready.

Good luck on your new town!