The Resetting Thread

Decided today to reset. I've always settled on a town layout then got unhappy after a week or two. So I'm gonna reset until I get the perfect one and not settle.
Hoping it doesn't take ages! Haha
I'm resetting my town today, i feel like i haven't been on new leaf in so long and think a fresh start would be nice although the first few weeks of playing aren't going to be all that enjoyable
If I wanted to start fresh I'd just buy an extra game cartridge cheap.
I don't want to erase a town I've had for 5+ years and then regret it.
I also hate starting fresh, so there's that.
Really salty because it got deleted, but at the same time excited for a blank start. ✿
Haven't found a new town name yet tho (I want to leave Patril behind now, I've used it for so many years in all games).
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The last time I had to reset or start fresh was probably the best thing that happened. I started in time to do weeding day this year and finally got the Topiarys and the layout for my town is perfect except for one spot but oh well.

I recommend starting fresh if you are really unhappy with your town but don't reset if it is something that can be worked around.
I want to reset because I don?t like my characters face or my towns layout and those are the two things you can?t change.
idk if I wanna sell I get 21 million bells for selling but I have tiy club lol the island the campsite the roost dream suite like 60 70 50 something items in my museum shampoodle kicks a fully expanded house for my mayor should I sell
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idk if I wanna sell I get 21 million bells for selling but I have tiy club lol the island the campsite the roost dream suite like 60 70 50 something items in my museum shampoodle kicks a fully expanded house for my mayor should I sell

if you want a fresh start, go for it!
it might be a fun challenge to build up a town in the time before the new game comes out :)
Just want to thank everyone in this thread; I'm new to ACNL and wanted to reset/sell my town after I realized how god-awful my original map was. This helped me tons! It took a lot of tries but eventually I got a pretty great map, apples, and one of my favorites (Bob) as a starter villager.
I only started all over because I let my town go to ruin. I needed a fresh start but to be fair I didn't know a lot you could do in the game so I NEEDED a do over :D
I have multiple towns, all of which are hacked. My main town is the one I'm supposed to not be hacking on but I've been so obsessed with the idea of a "perfect" town that I feel like I've been missing out on all the fun of Animal Crossing. I'm going to delete all 4 and start fresh - one non-hacked town. Wish me luck!
i wish i could get rid of some of the rocks in my town but like i'm not resetting it at this stage. i've reset it for like 5 years straight so i'd better just leave it lol
So you ever look at your town, think: ‘gosh it’s so close to done!’, you got all the dreamies... and then you’re like. ‘Hmmm but what if I reset?’ Cause that’s me with Stardust right now |D

Part of it I know for sure is wanting something new, and to take it on a day by day basis. Which isn’t much of an issue! I’d also like to try getting peaches as my fruit for it, and while the layout is definitely good... it could always be /better/ yknow xD Especially now that I have more experience in what I’d want for the overgrown zone and such...

Item holding isn’t too bad of an issue, I have a second game that can hang on to the important stuff. No, more than anything... it’s the villagers, I’ve gotten all 10 I want and in a nice layout... but that part isnt exactly something that can’t be re-done, is it?

Talking it out, I’m kinda leaning to the reset, but I’m still torn enough that it won’t hurt hearing other opinions xD thanks for reading!

- - - Post Merge - - -

So you ever look at your town, think: ?gosh it?s so close to done!?, you got all the dreamies... and then you?re like. ?Hmmm but what if I reset?? Cause that?s me with Stardust right now |D

Part of it I know for sure is wanting something new, and to take it on a day by day basis. Which isn?t much of an issue! I?d also like to try getting peaches as my fruit for it, and while the layout is definitely good... it could always be /better/ yknow xD Especially now that I have more experience in what I?d want for the overgrown zone and such...

Item holding isn?t too bad of an issue, I have a second game that can hang on to the important stuff. No, more than anything... it?s the villagers, I?ve gotten all 10 I want and in a nice layout... but that part isnt exactly something that can?t be re-done, is it?

Talking it out, I?m kinda leaning to the reset, but I?m still torn enough that it won?t hurt hearing other opinions xD thanks for reading!
So you ever look at your town, think: ‘gosh it’s so close to done!’, you got all the dreamies... and then you’re like. ‘Hmmm but what if I reset?’ Cause that’s me with Stardust right now |D

Part of it I know for sure is wanting something new, and to take it on a day by day basis. Which isn’t much of an issue! I’d also like to try getting peaches as my fruit for it, and while the layout is definitely good... it could always be /better/ yknow xD Especially now that I have more experience in what I’d want for the overgrown zone and such...

Item holding isn’t too bad of an issue, I have a second game that can hang on to the important stuff. No, more than anything... it’s the villagers, I’ve gotten all 10 I want and in a nice layout... but that part isnt exactly something that can’t be re-done, is it?

Talking it out, I’m kinda leaning to the reset, but I’m still torn enough that it won’t hurt hearing other opinions xD thanks for reading!

- - - Post Merge - - -

So you ever look at your town, think: ‘gosh it’s so close to done!’, you got all the dreamies... and then you’re like. ‘Hmmm but what if I reset?’ Cause that’s me with Stardust right now |D

Part of it I know for sure is wanting something new, and to take it on a day by day basis. Which isn’t much of an issue! I’d also like to try getting peaches as my fruit for it, and while the layout is definitely good... it could always be /better/ yknow xD Especially now that I have more experience in what I’d want for the overgrown zone and such...

Item holding isn’t too bad of an issue, I have a second game that can hang on to the important stuff. No, more than anything... it’s the villagers, I’ve gotten all 10 I want and in a nice layout... but that part isnt exactly something that can’t be re-done, is it?

Talking it out, I’m kinda leaning to the reset, but I’m still torn enough that it won’t hurt hearing other opinions xD thanks for reading!

I don’t know if you already made up your mind, but I don’t think you should reset. You’ve found your dreamies and everything. That takes time. If it’s an option, purchase another copy of the game. You can try a new town layout and cycle through different villagers. It’ll give you that newness you’re looking for without you having to give up your current town you’ve probably worked so hard on.

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So you ever look at your town, think: ‘gosh it’s so close to done!’, you got all the dreamies... and then you’re like. ‘Hmmm but what if I reset?’ Cause that’s me with Stardust right now |D

Part of it I know for sure is wanting something new, and to take it on a day by day basis. Which isn’t much of an issue! I’d also like to try getting peaches as my fruit for it, and while the layout is definitely good... it could always be /better/ yknow xD Especially now that I have more experience in what I’d want for the overgrown zone and such...

Item holding isn’t too bad of an issue, I have a second game that can hang on to the important stuff. No, more than anything... it’s the villagers, I’ve gotten all 10 I want and in a nice layout... but that part isnt exactly something that can’t be re-done, is it?

Talking it out, I’m kinda leaning to the reset, but I’m still torn enough that it won’t hurt hearing other opinions xD thanks for reading!

- - - Post Merge - - -

So you ever look at your town, think: ‘gosh it’s so close to done!’, you got all the dreamies... and then you’re like. ‘Hmmm but what if I reset?’ Cause that’s me with Stardust right now |D

Part of it I know for sure is wanting something new, and to take it on a day by day basis. Which isn’t much of an issue! I’d also like to try getting peaches as my fruit for it, and while the layout is definitely good... it could always be /better/ yknow xD Especially now that I have more experience in what I’d want for the overgrown zone and such...

Item holding isn’t too bad of an issue, I have a second game that can hang on to the important stuff. No, more than anything... it’s the villagers, I’ve gotten all 10 I want and in a nice layout... but that part isnt exactly something that can’t be re-done, is it?

Talking it out, I’m kinda leaning to the reset, but I’m still torn enough that it won’t hurt hearing other opinions xD thanks for reading!

I don’t know if you already made up your mind, but I don’t think you should reset. You’ve found your dreamies and everything. That takes time. If it’s an option, purchase another copy of the game. You can try a new town layout and cycle through different villagers. It’ll give you that newness you’re looking for without you having to give up your current town you’ve probably worked so hard on.
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I’m not restarting my town Hogwarts but I am making a second town because I have a second copy of acnl~ :)
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