The Resetting Thread

Okay! I'm not sure how to store my things anyway. will they stay in the locker at your place while I reset? or do I just put them all on the ground at your place? you can explain it when you get back. no worries! and thanks so much :)
Embarrassingly, I reset my times before I finally got the layout that I wanted. I kept having to reset because my ninth villager would pop out of nowhere (even with the whole create a new character and check the town for the new villager trick). And this is after I checked and there was no ninth villager. They would just pop up and place their house where I didn't want it. o_O

Finally got the layout I want and decent villagers...although one of them did plop their house down where I dislike it. I'm not resetting again that's for sure. XD
I reset my town for the first time since it's release and I was sad to see it go. I got a great layout now and I am reunited with Alfonso again so I'm happy. I just hope my little brother doesn't time travel again to 2049.
I decided I am going to reset on the 3rd, and I am really excited! <3
I just reset my game and I spent like.. 4 hours getting a layout and some villagers that I could live with. But it's great to get a new start!
January 3rd? But today is the 5th :confused:

or have you already reset? Confused >.<
my wording is terrible sometimes x_x sorry
I made up my mind to reset and started preparing to reset on the 3rd.
I'm going to reset soon!
Pacaland is gone! Will update signature accordingly. Can't wait to see how my sister's new town will fare. Thank you to everyone who I adopted from.
my wording is terrible sometimes x_x sorry
I made up my mind to reset and started preparing to reset on the 3rd.
I'm going to reset soon!

Haha, yeah, I was confused as well, I thought you were going to reset on February 3. ;)
So Marshal put down a plot to move in tomorrow.
I was quite surprised and I'm not sure if I'll keep him or not. He seems to be one of the few smugs that's not hideous.
Might trade him for Julian or Zell/Lopez after I get his pic.

I was honestly expecting Hippeux again... ugh
JellyBeans, you're so lucky you got Merengue as a starter! I hope I get awesome villagers when I start, and apples. But that'll be hard since out of all the times I've restarted, I only got apples once, on my very first town. :(
I was going to call my town Paris, but I changed it to Macaroon because I really like it! ^^ Plus, I personally think it's more like my style and something I could stick with better. :)
Those of you who can't wait a month without Animal Crossing...I'm in a lot of pain! I've been waiting since September 2013, and I'm restarting in June of 2014. It's torture! But I can't find any time at all, seriously. It seems crazy but we get so much homework I'm not free any day except for Friday and the weekends, and I don't like abandoning my town so early. Plus, I have volleyball practice until 8 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays to add to the neglect (well, I don't know about you guys, but to me, I would be neglecting my town). I just really hope it'll be worth it this summer! :)
Good luck to everyone participating in the 365 day challenge too!~
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I'm resetting...again...sometime soon. I had lost one of my favorite villagers and it was bugging me. I ended up making a lot of silly mistakes after their departure and it just didn't feel right to continue anymore. Funny thing, it was Kyle, who I adopted randomly from a cycling town. I didn't think I'd like him, but he immediately settled into a spot on my favorites list.

I plan on keeping my town name, but I'll change my Mayor name and my list of dreamies.

Now all I need is a cycler to hold Lucky for me, and someone to hold all my junk. :O
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I'm going to reset today. I keep running into problems with the overall layout of my town. >< Of course, villagers living right where I'm going to put a PWP doesn't help at all...

Now, to find someone to hold my things temporarily! (I will pay.)