The Roost

The Walkway from here to The Mansion has been Completed.

Thank you,

Prince Boo's Mansion Managment.
Yay!(Im not drunk anymore) That was one heck uva Party last night.....Anyway, sorry about that....Yay! I have a nickname, PB! Sounds like Peanut Butter...
PrinceBoo said:
Yay!(Im not drunk anymore) That was one heck uva Party last night.....Anyway, sorry about that....Yay! I have a nickname, PB! Sounds like Peanut Butter...
Peanut Butter Boo! :lol:
It does. If PrinceBoo doesn't mind...He's a boo! He can't feel anything... :evillaugh:
i dont understand this place could someone please explain how to get butler and maid services and if it actually works, or what cafe fish is???? HELP ME!!! I mean i have the game and all ive just never heard of this stuff!!!!

Ok. Thats ok. This is a role playing game. It has nothing to do with the Animal Crossing game. Cafe Fish is another roleplaying cafe. These have nothing to do with the game.
