The Sloppy Furniture Set


Sep 20, 2013

What is your opinion on the Sloppy series? It was honestly one of my favorite sets. It first appears in New Leaf. I had my main room set up with the sloppy furniture.

Did you think it was disgusting, or did you use it in your house?
i like it a lot!!! it has a lot of pieces that look GREAT with other mixtures of furniture, i think the most notable ones are the TV, table, and dresser. i never ended up using it in my house but i really wanted to use it on a 2nd player (which i also didn't end up doing because i fell off of playing). i think all the little details the series has make it really unique
I love the sloppy set and I have a house in new leaf that showcases it.
I got excited when I found the sloppy rug in NH but that's the only piece of the set that made it in to the game it seems
My house in New Leaf had the sloppy set. I'm a fan of the shabby vibe. I remember trying to steal pieces from Marshal's house but I can't remember if I ever got the full set. It would have been great if the set was available in New Horizons.
I loved it so much! My favorites were the chair, table, couch, dresser. I also like the tv (forgot there was one), stereo, closet. Now looking at pictures, I’d use the closet and sink as well. Makes no sense we get the rug in NH but nothing else and we can’t use it outside either :/.

I think I ended up buying them from a friend’s shop; don’t know if I ever managed to get that or the cardboard stuff from the villagers of mine that had it.
My favorite item in the series was the couch. I had the whole set at one point on New Leaf. I tried so hard to complete it and actually managed it.
I know it's a really popular furniture set, but it doesn't suit my personal tastes. Maybe it's my OCD, but seeing everything off-kilter and messy really bothers me. I have to put everything away at home, so my space is always neat.
i didn’t use it for much, but i liked it! i especially liked the couch and the pink customization of the set. would definitely love to see it along with all of the other missing furniture sets in new horizons one day! :)
I love the sloppy furniture especially the bed!! They look so nice in my bedroom, and the fact that we can customize it makes it a lot nicer with custom designs. I have all the sets and i love Marshal, and he got nice sloppy interior. Well, not much from the sloppy set i like, but i can make an abandoned house with them xD
I like it, although I don't use it in my own town. I think I may have used it at one stage, though?

I was hoping the Sloppy Rug would work in my NH home, but it's sadly too big! I wish there was a smaller version, it would have been perfect for what I needed it for.
I also really love the sloppy set! I'm honestly kinda disappointed with the furniture lineup we got in NH, especially since I was really hoping for the sloppy set, so I hope that in a future update, we'll get more furniture. I'd say that the sloppy bed, stereo, and sofa are my favorite pieces.
I liked the set because it had the natural look and ofc l'm not including the messing part, just the furniture without it alone. I don't like the flooring or the wallpaper but everything else is nice. I still don't get why there's a random sink for the set, the sink stands out.
Sets like these are missing in New Horizons, honestly. They have character, they are unique and not standard like most of the furniture we are currently getting. :(

I used it in the house that I created in New Leaf for my fiancé, because he's always a bit messy and it was perfect. Even him, who doesn't care about Animal Crossing loved it. 😆
I love the sloppy series, i like everything in the series except for the wallpaper and the floor. It needs to have a come back in NH.
I tried so hard to get my cousin into playing acnl with me and when you finally did I knew he had to have the sloppy set since he’s pretty sloppy himself lol. I love it. It’s just so hard to get the full set
it's not really one of my favorites but i do like it! my favorite item in the set is definitely the chair, i just like the general vibe of it lol.
it kinda fits how my room looks irl. i like it a little because of that.